Backstage Diva Search News, Holly/RAW, Lots More

Regarding the Diva Search, WWE will continue to air taped footage of the contest over the next few weeks. The three finalists will appear live before a crowd at the 10/22 Raw in Nebraska. The 2007 WWE Diva Search winner will be announced the next week at the Cyber Sunday pay-per-view in Washington D.C. One of the blonde ones, Lyndy Frieson, was the latest contestant to be eliminated from the contest.


The long awaited Triumph and Tragedy of World Class DVD done by World Wrestling Entertainment has been re-solicited to retailers for a release date of December 11th.

"Hardcore" Bob Holly is back on the RAW roster on Obviously WWE decided to alter the original plans of having Holly return on the SmackDown brand when he returned from injury. There was talk that Holly may be done for good due to having problems with the feeling in his arm from his most recent arm surgery; however, as we saw on RAW he appears to be good to go.

Batista's controversial autobiography is scheduled to be released nationwide on October 16th. Expect a heavy promotion campaign on the book by WWE as it will be their primary focus after The Condemned DVD. Speaking of the Condemned DVD, first week sales figures will not be available until next week.

