Latest On The WWE Divas/Signature Pharmacy Story
– There has been posts previously regarding how WWE sources were surprised that no female WWE formers turned up on the client list of Signature Pharmacy. It is believed that the federal prosecutors only looked up male wrestlers from the active WWE roster. It is also believed that they didn't look up people on the current TNA roster, although if a major name turns up they would have recognized the person.
Prosecutors most likely did not check for any female performers, not realizing at least several of the diva's use Growth Hormone to keep their beautifully sculpted bodies. Especially the Diva's entering their late 20's and into their 30's. It is believed that several diva's use steroids to maintain the tightness and hardness of their figure without gaining mass. Clenbuterol is said to be another drug that is favorite among the selected few Divas. This drug is not ingredient of any therapeutic drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, but is still used as an unproven slimming aid, and is now banned for IOC-tested athletes.
(Credit: Wrestling Observer)