WWE RAW Results (9/17): Vince Neglects Son, More!

WWE RAW Results (9/17): Vince Neglects Son, More!

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW
Airdate: Monday, September 17th, 2007 (USA Network)
Location: The Sommet Center in Nashville, Tenn.
Results by Dan O'Hagan


- Raw begins with a video package of the John Cena-Randy Orton rivalry, including footage from last night when Cena Sr. punted Randy in the head and Coach announcing Last Man Standing for the WWE Championship at No Mercy.

- WWE Champion John Cena makes his way to the ring. Cena apologizes to the fans for having all of his pent up aggression lately, he says he is in a good mood tonight, he thanks his Dad for showing up last night and making him the proudest son on the earth, he says Randy Orton is stupid enough to think that Cena's Dad was purposely put there as a distraction and Randy is stupis enough to think that Cena got himself intentionally DQ'ed, he thanks Coachman for making the Last Man Standing rematch at No Mercy, he says he is happy that he can do anything he wants to Orton at No Mercy. Coachman walks out onto the stage, he says Cena is lucky that he still has a job and he is lucky that Coach hasn't stripped him of the WWE Title. He says tonight Orton will face Cena in the main event, but it turns out that Coach met with Cena Sr. earlier today, Coach promised Cena Sr. he was going to strip his son of the WWE Title, Cena's dad then said he would do anything to prevent that from happening, so the main event will be Randy Orton vs. Mr. Cena!


(1) Intercontinental Championship – Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin Benjamin takes it to Hardy early, Hardy soon takes the advantage, Hardy keeps Benjamin grounded with a overhead wrist lock, Hardy kicks Shelton off the apron and to the mat below and follows it up with a crossbody over the top rope. Back from commercials, Benjamin has taken the advantage, gets a 2 count, Benjamin headbutts Hardy and keeps him down with a sleeper, another 2 count, both Hardy and Benjamin take each other down with clotheslines, Hardy hits the Whisper in the Wind, goes for the Twist of Fate but Benjamin reverses into a backbreaker, Hardy goes head first into the top turnbuckle, another 2 count for Benjamin, Shelton leaps to the top rope to meet Hardy, Hardy shoves Benjamin to the mat and hits the Swanton for the victory.

- Video package is shown of the WWE Diva Search hopefuls playing Volley Ball, one diva will be eliminated tonight.

- Mr. McMahon sat in his limo alone, Coach joins him, he says everything is in position for tonight, Hornswoggle is seen in the limo strapped into a child's seat eating Lucky Charms, Vince orders Coach to take Hornswoggle and do something with him, Hornswoggle rips himself free from the seat and scurries out the limo after Coach.


- Later tonight, Cade & Murdoch face Triple H in a handicapped match.

- John Cena is with his dad in the locker room, Cena tries to talk him out of having the match, Cena Sr. says he is wrestling whether John likes it or not.

- Also backstage, Santino Marella is looking for Maria, Jillian tells Santino Maria doesn't want to see him after what he did to Ron Simmons, Santino says he will do something tonight to impress her.

- Vince and Coach are walking down a passageway, they hear Irish music from McMahon's office, they enter and find green balloons, Guinness and lucky charms spread over the room, Vince tells Coach to find Hornswoggle, Hornswoggle then appears from behind a table, Coach chases him out of the room, Vince is then knocked from behind by a pony with a cone on his head.

(2) Flag Match – Daivari vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan Daivari goes for the flag early, Duggan cuts him off, Daivari works over Duggans knee, Daivari again goes for the flag but is again cut off, Duggan goes for the US flag, Daivari follows him to the top rope, Duggan knocks Daivari to the mat below and grabs the flag for the win.

- Backstage John Cena tells Coach to call off his dad's match later or else he won't be held responsible to what he does to Orton, Coach says if Cena can win his match tonight then his Dad's match won't happen, but if he looses, Cena Sr. will still have to face Orton


- Mr. McMahon makes his way to the ring, McMahon says he has decided to welcome Hornswoggle into his family, Hornswoggle comes down the ramp and jumps in the ring, he dances in the ring and Vince yells at him to stop. Vince gets down on one knee, and tells Hornswoggle that "if" Vince passes on then he will come into a lot of money, Hornswoggle rubs his hands together, Vince has some papers in his hand, he then tells Hornswoggle he is putting him up for adoption! Vince then brings out a couple that will be Hornswoggle's new Mom and Dad, Vince tells Hornswoggle he is no longer a McMahon, Hornswoggle then pulls the guys pants down and bites the woman on the butt, the couple run away refusing to sign the papers. Vince tells Hornswoggle he is a disgrace and will never be apart of the McMahon family, he tells Hornswoggle to get out of his life and out of his ring, Hornswoggle leaves looking upset, Vince tells the fans they would of all done the same.

- Mr. McMahon makes his way to the ring, McMahon says he has decided to welcome Hornswoggle into his family, Hornswoggle comes down the ramp and jumps in the ring, he dances in the ring and Vince yells at him to stop. Vince gets down on one knee, and tells Hornswoggle that "if" Vince passes on then he will come into a lot of money, Hornswoggle rubs his hands together, Vince has some papers in his hand, he then tells Hornswoggle he is putting him up for adoption! Vince then brings out a couple that will be Hornswoggle's new Mom and Dad, Vince tells Hornswoggle he is no longer a McMahon, Hornswoggle then pulls the guys pants down and bites the woman on the butt, the couple run away refusing to sign the papers. Vince tells Hornswoggle he is a disgrace and will never be apart of the McMahon family, he tells Hornswoggle to get out of his life and out of his ring, Hornswoggle leaves looking upset, Vince tells the fans they would of all done the same. Triple H's music then hits and he makes his way to the ring, Vince asks what the hell H wants, H says he went through a lot of trouble today decorating McMahon's office!! He asks Vince if he knows how hard it is to find a unicorn in Nashville! H mocks the women Vince has slept with, H says he is a little "short" tempered, a little "short" sighted and has a microscopic penis! H mentions Vince slipping Hornswoggle's mom "the shaleighly" H asks if his mom was "magically delicious!" and makes fairy tale references. Vince decides he has had enough and brings out Triple H's opponents, the Tag Team Champions.


(3) Triple H vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch Cade & Murdoch are dominating the Game, HHH manages to get some momentum, Carlito makes his way to the ramp way, Murdoch regains control of HHH, Cade tags in and picks up where Murdoch left off, Carlito is slowly coming closer to the ring, HHH stats to take control again, hits the facebuster on Cade, Murdoch accidentally clotheslines Cade when HHH ducks, H throws Murdoch from the ring and gives the spinebuster to Cade for the win. Carlito runs to the ring and all 3 men beat down HHH, Paul London and Brain Kendrick make the save, Cade Murdoch and Carlito run from the ring and K&L try to shake hands with HHH but he Pedigree's them both! And stands alone in the ring!

- Beth Phoenix stands at ringside for the following match...

(4) Melina & Jillian Hall vs. Women's Champion Candice Michelle & Mickie James Jillian and Melina keep Mickie in their corner, she manages to get the tag to the champ and she takes it to Melina, Jillian is tagged in, Candice hits the Candywrapper on Jillian for the win. Mickie's complete bare ass was out and exposed. Wow, 11 hot pics below. After the match Beth Phoenix gets in the ring and shoves the Women's Title onto Candice, Beth then leaves staring down the champ.


- We are shown footage from the Condemned, available to buy on DVD tomorrow

- In the parking lot Mr. McMahon is happy with himself for upsetting Hornswoggle and making him leave, Vince gets in his limo and as it starts to leave, the trunk pops open and Hornswoggle is sitting in it! Coach tries to yell to McMahon but to no avail!

- Next week on Raw: Triple H vs. Carlito in a Steel Cage Match

(5) WWE Champion John Cena vs. Santino Marella
Cena takes it to Santino early, hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, Orton runs to the ring and attacks Cena giving him the DQ victory, Santino and Orton beat down Cena and Orton handcuffs Cena to the bottom rope. Coach comes out and says he forgot to tell Cena that even though Cena won the match by DQ, he had to win the match by pinfall or submission to save his father, so the match between Orton and Cena Sr. will still take place!

(6) Randy Orton vs. Mr. Cena Orton stomps on Mr. Cena in the chest and on the arm, Orton stares at Cena with every move he performs on his dad, Cody Rhodes tries to make the save, Orton clears the ring of him, Randy then delivers a RKO to Mr. Cena, Cena Jr. manages to unclip the turnbuckle and runs into the ring with the rope still attached to him to try and attack Orton, Randy runs from the ring quickly to avoid Cena, Cena and Orton stare each other down as Raw goes off air.

