Candice Removed From PPV, Sytch Saves A Life?, Loads More

On WWE's official website, Candice Michelle's name has been removed from the preview for the Divas Halloween Costume Contest at Cyber Sunday. Candice will be out of action 6-8 weeks after it was determined that she suffered a cracked clavicle from her awkward landing last night on Raw. Surgery will not be needed.

Dan LaFever sent the following... Friday afternoon at the WrestleFanFest, a fan dropped to the floor in an epileptic seizure. I was next in line for a photo with Tammy Sytch when she jumped out from behind the table to attend to him, keeping his head from hitting the floor repeatedly. She immediately ordered the closest person to call 9-1-1. She asked out if there was anything that could be done, and several of us mentioned that seizures need to run their course and to just keep the head cushioned and make sure the tongue is clear from the teeth. She deserves the Humanitarian Award for the weekend.

KobeBryantFn sent word that Chris Benoit action figures are still available at the Kmart in Philadelphia, PA 19136.

The scheduled CM Punk/Hornswoggle autograph signing in Long Island, New York on Friday, October 26th has been cancelled. Apparently the cancellation is due to a scheduling conflict.

