JR: MVP The Next Rock?, HBK's Return, Wrestling Ads, Kennedy

Jim Ross has posted yet another blog entry on his official web site. Below are the wrestling-related highlights:

- I have had the opportunity to call so many matches that I really enjoyed, so I can't name one that stands out as "the best" but the '89 Flair-Funk "I Quit" bout was memorable because of the two wrestlers and that I worked with Gordon Solie. The Wrestlemania 22 match between HBK-Mr. McMahon was special inasmuch as I had been essentially turned out to pasture and never thought I would call another 'Mania and did not know if WM 22 would be my last one, so there was a little extra fuel in my tank on that one. You selected some good ones, nonetheless.


- Will MVP be the next Rock? Too early in MVP's game to be comparing him to the Rock. Those are rather large shoes to fill for MVP. MVP just needs to continue to work hard and be the best MVP he can be and not be concerned about being anyone but himself.

- I guess those trusty internet rumors of HBK weren't too accurate after all. Imagine that. Seriously, it is great to have HBK back on Raw.

- I am a major proponent of the WWE having a Wrestlemania in Dallas at Jerry Jones' new, Cowboy Stadium as I feel that the WWE would sell 100,000 tickets to the event.

- TV networks or cable systems running out dated TV ads for wrestling events has been going on for years. Many times matches are booked and commercials are produced and shipped to the TV outlets and then for a litany of reasons, the match or matches change but the TV outlets do not pull the spots from their air. New TV spots are provided to these stations all the time, but that doesn't mean that those at the local level replace the inaccurate spots with the new ones.


- I don't know how much the challengers have to do directly with the injuries the champion's have incurred recently, but I expect not a great deal or any more than normal. Injuries happen in contact sports and no matter the entertainment content that wrestling presents, the performers are true athletes who do get injured in the course of their jobs. Wrestling isn't ballet, in all due respect to you ballet fans out there.

- Even though I am an old school, traditionalist, I have never spent too much time thinking about what design a championship belt should take. Whether or not the WWE Title Belt changes is something I know zilch about nor does it concern me.

- Nikita Koloff was always a nice guy and I never remember any negative issues with him whatsoever. Nikita was intense in the ring and worked hard, but outside the ring he was approachable and polite, indicative of a good upbringing. Class act all the way.

- I have not heard a word about any pending debut for Eddie Colon, Carlito's brother, but I do know he is a talented young man. All I can say is stay tuned, but I assume it is not imminent if it will occur at all.

- Ric Flair is simply a special human being who has been blessed to be able to stay somewhat healthy throughout his illustrious career. Your comparison of Ric to Bret Favre, Roger Clemens, etc is on the money.


- Kennedy seems to have a bright future a head of him without question. It already seems as if Kennedy has his share of fans, which is not a bad thing. Kennedy as a fan favorite seems inevitable, but I don't see it at the moment.

- Michelle McCool is one of the best, pure athletic divas to join the WWE in years. Plus she isn't hard on the old eyes either. I think Michelle has a big upside much like Trish did.

