Lance Storm Comments On 2-Hour iMPACT!; Details

Lance Storm comments on the 2-Hour iMPACT saying that their quality of programming must improve. He also mentioned that there is no way TNA will be able to pull in buy rates with a bunch of unknown, unproven stars
Below are some highlights:

- Never one to admit defeat TNA blamed their continued troubles on Impact needing to be in prime time. WWE after all was in prime time; that would make the difference; it certainly couldn't be the fault of the product, that few people ordered TNA PPVs. So Impact went prime time, moving to 9 pm Thursday nights, the very night WWE's SmackDown used to air. SmackDown was successful there certainly Impact would as well. TNA's ratings and PPV buy rates remained relatively constant and the company continued to struggle in search of that missing element, that elusive "Holy Grail".

- Unless TNA can drastically improve the quality of Impact with the extra hour each week, nothing is going to change, and they are going to be in search of the next "Holy Grail", which I can only guess will be a Live show since that is about the only possible thing left to blame failure on other than the obvious and real problem, management and creative.

- Perhaps big name talent would be the answer. There was no way TNA could pull in big buy rates with a bunch of unknown, unproven stars. This was an interesting direction considering the only positive feedback the previous versions of TNA got were for the work rate of these very same unknown, unproven stars. But rather than admit the people in charge were to blame the talent pool got the snub and TNA went in search of big names stars to once and for all turn that corner of success and put TNA on the map.

- Unless TNA can drastically improve the quality of Impact with the extra hour each week, nothing is going to change, and they are going to be in search of the next "Holy Grail", which I can only guess will be a Live show since that is about the only possible thing left to blame failure on other than the obvious and real problem, management and creative.


