Major Disagreement Between Angle & Jarrett Over Dixie Carter?

Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Conflict backstage in TNA is said to have grown significantly between Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle over the past week. Both want to get into Dixie Carter's ear to have a major impact on what goes on in the company. Jarrett's allies, most notably B.G. James, are going around trying to convince other wrestlers in the company to take sides.


Jarrett has a few people who are loyal to him, like B.G. James, Jeremy Borash, Abyss, Dutch Mantel, and others, but most want to pick the side they think wins at the end. As far as both booking and long-term power, the situation is described as The Angle family and Vince Russo against Jeff Jarrett and Dutch Mantel.

The end result of the situation is hard to predict. There is no way they will cut Kurt Angle or remove him from the top (which is generally what would happen in a situation like this). Jeff Jarrett on the other hand is a majority owner in the company and has steered the ship since day one.

