More Lilian Garcia Problems, Diva Search Girls Bash Each Other, More

Edge is scheduled to be appearing the FYE in the Brandon Mall in Brandon FL on November 1st. He will be promoting the WrestleMania pre-sale and signing autographs the following day at all Florida FYEs.


Lilian Garcia's music album ?Quiero Vivir! actually sold pretty well on WWE's online store. For a few days, they were unable to ship the CD due to unforeseen demand for the product. Here is an e-mail they sent out to some people who ordered the CD: "Unfortunately we are unable to ship your complete order due to the unforeseen demand for the item listed below. We anticipate shipment within 30 days and apologize for any inconvenience this delay may have caused you."

Lena Yada, who was eliminated from the Diva Search contest Monday night on Raw, posted up a blog on her MySpace regarding her experience at the WWE event. She also says that Brooke Gilbertsen shouldn't win the contest and that she's pulling for Eve Torres. Here is what she had to say regarding Brooke: "I'm rooting for Eve all the way. Sorry Brooke fans...I still think she's a sweetheart, but she's not there for the right reasons. She just there to have fun. She brought print out pages of all the WWE wrestlers to see if she could memorize them (she didn't know anyone besides Candice!), has no clue STILL what a heel or face is, thinks she can wrestle because its all a show and they would help her out by jumping and falling for her. Don't get me wrong I LIKE the girl. I just think she's got her head in the clouds, doesn't deserve to win it, and doesnt give enough dedication or commitment to WWE that it deserves.(ok. and because I'm bitter that I lost to HER of all people ;-D lol!)"


