WWE To Reveal Names Of Wellness Offenders In 7 Days

In one weeks time (November 1st) WWE will be publicly revealing the names of any future wrestlers who violate their active Wellness Policy.

"The talent were told that from now on, if you do test negative (SIC) or you violate the wellness policy, you will be publicly identified. And we do that in the belief it will give a greater transparency to the program, and hopefully, operate as a deterrence for anybody who wishes to engage in this kind of activity."
(WWE Lawyer Jerry McDevitt shortly after the suspension story broke)

To act as a deterrent the names of wrestlers will be published for the world to see on their corporate website, hopefully preventing any media backlash like we saw with the signature pharmacy bust.

Many wrestlers within the company see this as WWE hanging them out to dry, Booker T naming this as one of the reasons why he left, along with their lack of support during the media bashing.

It is unsure if WWE will officially make public the names they suspended during the pharmacy scandal, but if they did it could cause even more embarrassment for those that went on record claiming they were clean.

