Bret Hart Credits Steroids, Supershow Main Events, More

Source – PWInsider

– During an interview with Vancouver 24 this weekend, former WWE champion Bret Hart discussed how steroids helped save his career. Hart was quoted as saying "I credit steroids for saving my career back then. Having taken them, I don't have any regrets and I'm sure I wouldn't be here if I hadn't taken those shots." The interview was putting over Hart's new autobiography, "Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling."

– Friday on WWE SmackDown, they announced the main events for the WWE Tri Brand Supershow coming up on November 17th at the Germain Arena in Fort Myers, FL. Jeff Hardy & HHH will take on Randy Orton &Umaga and The Undertaker, Batista, & Kane will take on The Great Khali, Mark Henry, & Finly.

