Edge Talks Steroids, Lilian Garcia On ESPN, D.H Smith/Drugs, More
Edge appeared on the "Hot Lunch with JP Peterson" radio show in Tampa that is heard locally on Sports Radio 1470 WHBO ESPN Radio. The subject of steroids was brought up and Edge said that they were prevalent in all sports. Edge said Barry Bonds gets roasted over the steroids issue but if he didn't hit homeruns he would be roasted for that instead. Edge said fans need to make a choice. The host followed that up by saying that it's up to the wrestlers and sports players to police themselves. The host said to Edge, "I am sure you don't want to put your body through that if you don't have to." Edge replied, "If people don't expect that superhuman kind of thing and as long as you don't complain when you don't get that."
According to her MySpace page (myspace.com/liliangarcia), Lilian Garcia will be making an appearance on the "Best Damn Sports Show Period" on Tuesday night. The show airs at 11 p.m. or midnight Monday through Friday on Fox Sports Net. Lilian will also be walking the red carpet at the Latin Grammys in Las Vegas this Thursday night.
Nine News in Australia has a story about how Harry "D.H" Smith's violation of WWE's Drug Testing Policy last week is especially scary given how his father, Davey Boy Smith, died.