JR Speaks On His Passion For The Business, His Legacy, More

The voice of RAW Jim Ross recently posted new blog on his official web site. This post is unlike many in the past as he specifically addresses three critical fans to his web site. They also take attacks claiming that JR has lost his passion for the business. You can check out the full post at this link. Below are a few highlights:

On losing his passion for the business: I can assure Spyros that I have not lost my passion for the business. I also believe that one's passion must also match the moment and some moments are not passion worthy?."the new phone books are here?the new phone books are here". I would like to believe that when the time is right that the appropriate "passion" is demonstrated by yours truly. The other option is that I could yell and scream for two hours which is akin to crying wolf and then people start to mentally tune one out. So Spyros, I appreciate your opinion but losing my passion is not an issue I promise you. I will screw up from time to time but it won't be because of a lack of effort or "passion".

The company "stooge" in WWE?: Mike says that I am a company "stooge". Mike, is that as in "Shemp" or are you flaunting your "insider knowledge" by calling yours truly a stooge? Perhaps one should use some common sense in this instance. I feel I have been honest on the issues I have addressed here, but there are some issues I do not choose to address. That is my choice Mike. Just as it is your choice to visit this site or not. For example, I do not feel the need to continue to discuss the disgusting Benoit tragedy in depth. I do not feel compelled to damn all the WWE creative even though there are, at times, elements of creative that are personally not my cup of tea. Mike, if you want a web site to damn the WWE essentially from start to finish then there are many alternatives for you to explore. I will continue to express my feelings as I see fit on this site and if you feel turned off by me being an alleged "stooge", as you described, then simply don't visit us. We hate to lose you but one should not engage in any thing that is of a personal choice, such as this, that one doesn't enjoy.

On his legacy as an announcer: An argument could be made that perhaps the broadcast efforts of the team of "J.R. and The King" are simply taken for granted by some people. After all these years of sitting at ringside and doing our best to entertain the fans and viewers perhaps our efforts are simply an after thought by some. If so, then so be it. It will not adversely affect our show prep or our efforts to do our very best each and every Monday night for as long as the current Raw broadcast team is still together which I hope is for years to come. As I have said many times, when I think I can't get it done any more I will want to get out of the biz and get out quickly. I won't let the door hit me in the ass on the way out! The legacy that I have attempted to establish over the past 30+ years is extremely important to me. I don't want to be remembered as a guy who "used to be a pretty good announcer."

