Melina's Confessions, Linda Hogan Is An Idiot, More News

In conclusion to the Nick Hogan Crash case that left friend John Graziano permanently in a nursing home, Nick has had his license suspended for two years, one year for operating a vehicle after drinking alcohol under the age of 21 and the other for not paying a ticket.

In an "oh my god" moment TMZ has posted footage of Linda Hogan from a 2005 documentary titled "Vehicular Lunatics" illegally racing a car with daughter Brooke in the passenger seat filming the entire incident with a camera. "Oh, I love it. I love it. The rush, the speed on the road, stereo blasting, heart-pounding, racing in between all the cars, dodging the cops. It's awesome." She now denies saying this which makes her look EXTREMELY STUPID as it's on a DVD and was taped!! Now we know where Nick gets it from.

The Florida media is reporting that Nick Hogan's driver's license has been suspended for two years. One year for operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol while under the age of 21; the second year for failure to pay a recent traffic ticket.

In the latest Internet Confessions of a True Diva, Melina talks about the recent passings of Fabulous Moolah and Sherri Martel.

For people in Miami, Lilian Garcia will be on the El Show De Fernando Hidalgo on America Teve Channel 41 tonight at 7:00 PM. She is expected to be performing and take part in an interview.

