Ric Flair Attends Concert, SD! Correction, HBK, More

Ric Flair attended Stevie Wonder's concert last night at the Charlotte Bobcats Arena. In an article on Charlotte.com the publication wrote the following about Flair: In the audience, wrestler Ric Flair could be seen dancing to "Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours," even busting out into his signature in-ring dance at one point.

Last week's edition of SmackDown actually did a 2.8 broadcast rating, not the lower number that we reported earlier this week. When I reported the rating earlier in the week I noted that it seemed lower much lower and was probably inaccurate.

World Wrestling Entertainment stocks closed today at $15.64, this is the highest in a while.

The Easter Eggs on Shawn Michaels DVD are, on disk 1, growing up; if you double click left a segment of Shawn Michaels mother talking about him growing up. Midnight Rickers; if you double click left Ken Resnick does a Rockers interview. The Ladder match; you double click left, a segment of the Hardy's talking about their first ladder match as kids. On the second disk, during MSG Rockers vs. Brainbusters, click left 3 times and Tully Blanchard interview about The Rockers will play. WCCW 1/11/85; if you click let, right, left Shawn Michaels talks about how Jose Lothario taught him to do a backflip.

