Sting No Longer Being Booked By TNA, Creative Team, More

The Christy Hemme/Lance Hoyt strife and Jackie Moore/James Storm strife have been put on hold because they already have the Roode/Miss Brooks strife and will probably go back to the Kurt and Karen Angle strife.


The TNA booking team is still Jeff Jarrett, Vince Russo, and Dutch Mantel. Mike Tenay, Jeremy Borash, and Abyss sit in on the meetings and make suggestions.

Sting isn't being booked from this point on, at least until he decides if he is staying or going.

From John Johnson: It's the HOT audio that has the wrestling world talking as Former TNA knockout and possible future WWE Diva Leticia Cline made a guest appearance on the Howard Stern show and did some crazy things along the way, hear it for yourself now in MP3 via the following link – (Courtesy of EWO Wrestling Audio)

