The Future Of Extreme Expose Remain Uncertain
- There is word backstage that if Extreme Expose is split up, Layla will be given a new role in the company. However, usually talent who are given new gimmicks and roles are eventually released. With recent Diva Search winner Eve Torres coming into WWE they may put her into Extreme Expose. However after the Layla vs. Kelly match on ECW last week, WWE may be leaning towards a group split up.
Officials were never high on Layla:
WWE officials were never high on Layla because her appearance isn't what they want out of their Divas. On top of that she doesn't really have a strong knowledge on how to wrestle so she has nothing to fall back on. While on the road she was never given time to practice her in-ring skills. Layla was given a WWE contract based on how over she was in the 2006 Diva Search contest.
Source: The Wrestling Observer