WWE/Family Feud Update, Final Resolution PPV, More News

RJ Gab sent this in: WWE.com has a video up acknowledging Family Feud WWE Week. It shows the different teams and even the host talking about it. Funny part is, the make no mention of Booker or Sharmell. They are on the show, but they never show them talking, but you can see a little glimpse of Sharmell. And at the end, they show everybody on the show in one big graphic. Everyone that is, but Booker and Sharmell. The teams are Superstars vs. Divas. Superstar team: Ken Kennedy, Ric Flair, Coach, Batista, and Booker T. Diva team: Sharmell, Maria, Layla, Michelle McCool, and Candice Michelle


TNAwrestling.com has announced that the 1/6 Final Resolution PPV will take place in Orlando, FL. There had been reports that the event would be held outside in Orlando in possibly Ohio or Virgina but instead TNA's first PPV of 2008 will not be held on the road.

from Jeff Sheridan: I was listening to today's Howard Stern show and during the commercial, it was announced that tomorrow [Friday] at 6AM, Jericho will be on the Bubba The Love Sponge show on ch.101.

from Dez: For those who didn't tune in, or didn't watch the entire investigation, Elijah Burke had a classic freak-out on Ghosthunters. He had kept his cool throughout the majority of the show, until he witnessed a head and shoulders of a ghost. While trying to explain what he saw to others within the Ghost Hunters crew, he heard a noise that sent him (and him alone) darting down the hall. It's an instant classic (https://youtube.com/watch?v=EvLPSyG7mEs)


