Impact Rating, TNA Wants To Employ Fan For Podcast

- Last night's TNA Impact rating on Spike TV scored a 1.1 cable rating which is in its usual fluctuation.

- is seeking a dedicated fan and/or college student to help us develop a podcasting area on the website.


If you are interested in producing a weekly audio podcast and having your voice heard on our website, then this is your chance!

This is the perfect opportunity for a TNA fan in college who is looking for experience with broadcasting with a major company.

If you are interested, we ask you provide previous examples of audio or broadcast experience. Potential candidates must have their own recording equipment and editing software.

Please email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it with the subject of "TNA Podcasts" and include your name, age, location and contact info along with any links to examples of work or previous experience.


