**SPOILERS** RAW Tribute To The Troops

From our Iraqi correspondent:

I just returned to my room from the WWE taping over here. Here are the results: Lilian Garcia sang the national anthem, did a good job of it to! First match Randy Orton vs. Y2J Watch for a helicopter fly over as Y2J is coming to the ring. The match ended when JBL came to the ring while Y2J had Orton in the walls of Jericho. Jericho got the better of JBL until Orton took down Jericho. Afterwards JBL hit the clothesline from hell on Y2J. Winner by DQ: Y2J Second match Jeff Hardy vs. Carlito The end of this match came when Carlito put Jeff Hardy down, went to spit apple in Hardys face only Hardy kicked Carlito causing apples to go everywhere and hit the twist of fate and the swanton for the 3 count. Funny note: Hardy botched the first swanton, after the three count Carlito layed back down for another take on the finish. Next, Vince comes to the ring in a red suit thanks all of us troops for what we do. Says WWE stands behind us no matter what!! Then says lets bring out the divas!! (every guy over here looked forward to this) Third match Kelly Kelly and Layla vs. Maria and Mickie James I think every guy was hoping for a wardrobe malfunction that didn't happen! The end came when Mickie and Maria hit the bucking bronco on Kelly and Layla and Vince comes in the ring to say we have seen enough! He ended it at the good part! He says that Santa isn't coming to Iraq this year, then as you guessed out comes Santa to tell us how young vince was a bad boy. Tells how he stole a magazine once, the magazine was drunk chicks over 60! Very funny stuff. Then reads a letter to Santa from young Vince saying he wanted a giant rooster for Christmas. Santa then says that young vince loves cocks. Also said he wanted a Red Rider BB gun. Vince then says your not Santa and rips off beard to reveal John Cena as Santa. Cena takes out Vince and gets on mic and says his bag is overloaded and he and the divas toss DVD's and magazines into the crowd. Very funny segment. Next match was Rey jr. vs. Mark Henry Very boring match!! I must say from seeing him in person Mark Henry is HUGE!!! then end came when Rey got a roll up on Henry. Next match Ron Simmons vs. Hardcore Holly Ron hits a spinebuster on Holly for the win. Simmons then gets on the mic to give us our "damn"for the week. (every time I saw Simmons during the time they were I had him say damn) good stuff! The main event was DX vs. Umaga and Mr. Kennedy DX does a special intro for the troops! It was pretty cool of them! The end came when Shawn hit sweet chin music on both Umaga and Kennedy and HHH hit the pedigree on Kennedy for the 3 count. After the match HHH and Shawn celebrate in the ring w/ a few troops. Afterwards calls all the wrestlers to the ring for a special thank you to all the troops for what we do. Vince says he has two words for us "Merry Christmas", this was a good show! All the troops enjoyed themselves and had a good time! I personally would like to extend a thank you to the WWE for doing this for us. And also said Merry Christmas to my wife and kids! Thanks for all you do. And Merry Christmas to all the people who read this!


