John Cena Winning Title Tonight?, Mysterio's Status, No Way Out, More

All signs are pointing to Rey Mysterio competing tonight at No Way Out against Edge for the World Heavyweight Title despite his bicep injury.

Corey Tallas sent us word that "WWE No Way Out" is listed at #3 in the Top 10 "Today's Top Searches" over on

Don't forget that our live coverage for No Way Out begins at 8:00 p.m. Eastern (7:00 p.m. Central) tonight. is featuring video updates from the site of the No Way Out PPV tonight in Las Vegas for those interested.

Antonio DeGaetano sent this in: Here is a story related to John Cena's upcoming film, 12 Rounds. It mentions that the film is slated to being shooting in about a week:

As of last word, John Cena was expected to win the WWE title tonight at No Way Out. Anything can change though.

