**SPOILERS** TNA iMPACT! Taping Results (2/14)

Thanks to PWInsider.com for the results:

Alex Hernandez called in the following live spoilers from the TNA Impact taping in Orlando, Florida:

*Impact opens with Jim Cornette again trying to sign Samoa Joe to a contract, but Christian Cage comes out. He asks Joe to team with him tonight against AJ Styles and Tomko. Joe agrees and leaves without signing his deal.


*Team 3D comes out for a match against Shark Boy and Curry Man. Earl Hebner forced 3D to weigh before the match. Devon weighs in under 275. Brother Ray can't make weight so it becomes a handicap match. Devon pins Curry Man after nailing him with the scale.

*Abyss vs. Scott Steiner never took place as Abyss walked to the ring and then turned away and walked out, still too hurt from the Barbed Wire Massacre match to compete. As he left, Abyss removed his mask while he had his back to the crowd and then left. Scott Steiner took the mic and said he wanted a match right now. Petey Williams came out and Steiner defeated him. Steiner was full blown heel.

*Apparently they shot an angle backstage where Christian Cage was attacked, so it will be Kevin Nash teaming with Samoa Joe later.


*TNA Tag Team champs AJ Styles and Tomko defeated Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash after Kurt Angle interfered. Tomko pinned Joe.

*Rellik pinned Eric Young.

*Homicide defeated Chris Sabin and Jimmy Rave in a three-way match.

*Rhino came to the ring and cut a promo on James Storm, challenging him to an Elevation X match at the next PPV.

*TNA Knockout champ Awesome Kong defeated ODB in a non-title Street Fight after Gail Kim got involved and it backfired. ODB and Kim shoved each other afterwards.


*Robert Roode pinned Kaz.
*Kurt and Karen Angle renew their vows. When it is asked if anyone objects, Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash come out. They brawl with Angle. During the brawl, the preacher's glasses fell off so he pronounced AJ and Karen husband and wife, so AJ kissed Karen. She freaked out while Angle looked on in disbelief.

