WWE No Way Out: Raw Elimination Chamber Match

RAW Elimination Chamber Match
Jeff Hardy vs. JBL vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H vs. Umaga

Triple H came to the ring first. HBK and Chris Jericho are going to start off the match. Umaga was next. At one point Umaga got both Jericho and HBK in a samoan drop.


JBL was out next and immediately went after Jericho. Triple H came out after and went after Umaga. Jericho hit a code breaker on JBL and pinned him for the first elimination. He then came back in the ring and laid out HBK, Umaga and Jericho with chair shots.

Jeff Hardy then came in and attacked everyone. Jeff Hardy hit a santon bomb from the top of one of the cages on Umaga, and Jericho then pinned Umaga. Right after, Hardy pinned Jericho. Almost right after, Triple H hit Shawn Michaels with the pedigree and eliminated him. We are down to Triple H and Jeff Hardy.

The crowd seemed to be more for Hardy than Triple H. Great action between those 2. Triple H hit a pedigree on Hardy and Hardy shockingly kicked out. Triple H then pedigreed Hardy on a steel chair to grab the victory.


Winner: Triple H

