Mesias Removed By TNA, Salinas, Christian Cage, & More Notes Inside

TNA's official website has removed Judas Mesias from their roster page. This pretty much confirms reports that he's through with the company.

TNA's website has finally added Salinas to their roster section, although they have yet to put a bio page on her.


Christian Cage has posted his latest video game column, which you can check out at this He talks about often beating fellow wrestler Samoa Joe in online game play.

The Miami Herald has an article profiling LAX member Hernandez at this He talks about how he started in wrestling and his career thus far. TNA wrestler Tomko compared Hernandez to SmackDown wrestler Mark Henry. "He reminds me a lot of Mark Henry. You know Mark Henry is unbelievably strong, and so is Hernandez. The difference between Hernandez and Mark Henry is that Hernandez can move a lot faster," Tomko said.

