WrestleMania: Triple-Threat WWE Championship Match

Triple-Threat WWE Championship Match
Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena vs. Triple H

Cena came out first with a giant marching band performing his theme. He was heavily booed by the crowd. HHH was out next and Randy Orton came out last.

The arena is still pretty dark from that power failure that happened during the last match.

They worked a traditional triple threat style, where twp people wrestle while one sells being injured. During the match the lights were fully back on. Not sure whether it's the outdoor setting or the crowd, but the heat has been weak for this event so far.

At one point Cena had Orton in the STFU and Triple H then got a crossface on Cena. Ross and Lawler were careful not to call it the Crippler Crossface. Cena was able to make the ropes.

Cena and Triple H exchanged blows while the crowd cheered for HHH and booed Cena. Shortly after Triple H was able to hit a pedigree on Cena, but Orton kicked Triple H off and covered Cena to get the surprising three count. I see why this match didn't go on last now.

Winner: Randy Orton via pinfall

