Shane McMahon's Wife, Final SD! Rating, Warrior Return News, & More

According to data compiled by Nielson Media Research last Friday's edition of WWE SmackDown drew a 2.4 broadcast rating. This is up from the previous week's 2.2 rating.

Shane McMahon's wife Marissa is the producer of the movie Anamorphs, hence the plugs on WWE television last week. Mick Foley only had a small part in the film, which was filmed in one day. His character is apparently similar to the Dude Love persona, but he doesn't think so. "I'm not sure I channeled any of my WWE personas; I just tried to think of what a slightly sleazy pawn shop owner might look and act like." he told "If I hadn't been a WWE Superstar, I would've been a sleazy pawn shop owner." The movie's premiere was held on 4/16 in Manhattan. All of the McMahons were there. In an incredibly limited release (it was shown in one theatre in New York), it did $3,000 its opening weekend. However, they plan on marketing it as a PPV release.

Ultimate Warrior now has a MySpace page, which you can visit at This page has been confirmed by and Warrior's agent. Warrior has a new post introducing himself, noting that he lives an active and fulfilling life, old rumors on his "death" are false, and that he hasn't "self-destructed" — as a certain DVD from his former employer has implied. Warrior then adds: "To find those who truly have self-destructed, keep your eye on the obituaries and visit the gravesides of other WWF/WWE talent who've died of various forms of self-indulgence, beginning with their refusal to mature as real men and grow up and act their age. When you are done there, go look into the hollow-souled eyes of those Sports Entertainment figures you once thought defiant, strong, proud, and independent who've crawled back into the cave to have their minds, lives and characters controlled because they were afraid of being real men, afraid of the real world and real challenges, and felt safer, as Plato showed us, viewing the shadows from the inside."

