The Latest Update On Jeff Hardy

Eric From sent in the following. I got this bulletin today:

From: Peroxwhy?gen

Date: Apr 1, 2008 2:05 AM
Beth just posted a blog on Itchweeed's myspace.

Here is what they had to say:

A huge THANK YOU to everyone!!!

OMG!!! I don't even know where to begin with this blog. Thank you to everyone who has sent their well wishes to Jeff & I. Thanks for all the clothes, journals, Hardy Boyz stuff & everything in between! Thanks for all the stuff to rebuild our new house! It is appreciated beyond belief! Thanks for the handwritten poetry that we lost. Thanks for the pictures that we lost.

You can't imagine how much that means to us!

I do want to address one situation that in my heart could possibly mean very well. If people are asking you to send money to them to eventually send to us, PLEASE DON'T!!! We have never ask for any money from anyone. And that will stay that way. All that we have asked for is that if you want to contribute any money, please donate it to your local Humane Society or Animal Shelter in Jack's honor. Jeff & I are okay as far as money goes, but the Humane Society's & Animal Shelters may not be. The contibutions that they will willingly recieve will mean more to us than any monetary value. Please respect our wishes on this. It is truly what we want.

Another has been brought to my attention that some people have taken it upon themselves to ask for money on our behalf. Like I said before, this is completely false. If anyone, and I stress, anyone is to take money on our behalf, it is Tamran. If anyone is a true fan, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Tamran is one person that we love and trust with all our heart. So, if you're unsure about sending anything to us, please send it to Tamran, because she has permission to take such things. This isn't meant to take any importance away from anyone else close to us, it's just a safety. Please respect us on this as well.

I can't give enough love and respect to Matt for taking us in and loving as a big brother would. I know he's Jeff's brother, but he's my brother as well. He has opened his heart & his home to us. That can't be minimized by our troubles. Matt is one of the most amazing people I have ever had the chance to meet. For him to accept me as a part of his little brother's life, and part of his life, is such an amazing thing. He offers so much to everyone, and I can honestly say that from a personal perspective.

On another note, I hope all of Jeff's fans will respect our privacy. I know a lot of people have expressed there wanting to see Jeff back on television really soon. I can't say that will happen right now. So many people want to see "the machine Jeff Hardy" back real soon. The reality of that is that "the person Jeff Hardy" has bigger fish to fry, pardon the cheesy phrase. In order for all of that to happen, and I think most of you know and respect this, Jeff Hardy, and I for that matter, have a lot of stuff to get in order for our lives to be in order for him to be able to give back to his fans.

Okay, I'm gonna cut this off now. Again, we can't thank everyone enough for everthing they've sent to help us out. It's extremely appreciated. We love each and every single one of you! I can't stress that enough. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

That means more to us than anything else! We love you all more than you could imagine!!!

