WWE SmackDown! Results - April 11, 2008

Source: Gerweck.net

-The pyro blasts off and Cole says it's Friday night and that means it's time for TV's hottest show. They hype Festus vs. Undertaker for later tonight.

-Khali is in the ring surrounded by Punjabi dancers and a red tarp is covering the mat. Cole says he's set to make a peace offering to the Big Show. Somebody not named Rahjin Singh is in the ring with him doing the talking. He basically tells the fans that this is a peace offering. Khali starts ranting.


-Big Show makes his way out and gets in the ring. Khali talks some more and the new translator says Khali is offering a special water from the desert. Show smells it and doesn't seem put off by it. The next item in the offering is some of the world's finest scotch. Big Show takes a sip and cringes. A black chicken! Big show holds the chicken. My goodness they pulled a goat out of a cage. Big Show pets the goat.

-Big Show says that this is all amazing and can't describe how he feels, but he can show us. He shakes Khali's hand and then decks him! Khali got dropped like a ton a bricks. The fans cheer the disrespectful act. After showing a replay of the haymaker they show Khali still down on the ground as they head out to pay some bills.


-Back from the break they reshow Khali's extension of an olive branch. They hype another Batista and HBK war of words. Their doing another text poll for the Smackdown crowd about whether HBK did the right thing at 'Mania or not.

-Morrison makes his way to the ring.

-Miz comes out next. They show clips from the dirt sheet on WWE.com of the tag champs making fun of Yang and Moore.

-Wang Yang and Moore are ring bound for the match!


-Morrison and Moore start the action off. Morrison does a Rick Rude impersonation. Shoulder block out of a side headlock by Morrison. Moore comes back with a quick roll up for 2 then some forearms. A hurracanranna by Moore gets 2 when Morrison catches the ropes. Yang gets the blind tag and comes in with a drop kick on Morrison as he was bouncing off the ropes after a whip by Moore.

-Morrison hits a clothesline and tags in Miz who brings the boots. Body slam and leg drop for 2 follows before he goes for a back suplex. Yang flips out and hits Miz then tags in Moore. Moore hits a slingshot summersault press and Miz brings offense back. He tags in Morrison and they hit their double team catapult forearm, slingshot maneuver. Morrison puts in a headlock on the mat and Moore fights to his feet. He delivers some elbows, but Morrison maintains control and gets a tag to Miz.


-Miz puts in a side headlock then hits a clothesline and Morrison comes back in. Spinning corkscrew leg drop from Morrison that gets two. He mounts Moore and delivers some fists to the face and slaps on a modified camel clutch. Moore gets to his feet, but gets hit with a body slam. Morrison poses and draws some boo's then bends down to pick up Moore and gets a kick to the face for it. Yang gets the hot tag!

-A series of kicks lead to a pinfall attempt on Morrison who kicks out. He goes for the big monkey flip in the corner, but Morrison blocks it and catapults Yang to the top rope who comes off with a flying dropkick. Miz causes a distraction and Morrison hits a springboard spin kick that gets 2. A blind tag to Miz is made and Morrison runs at Yang who yanks down the ropes and he flies to the outside. Miz runs in and catches Yang with a reverse RKO/inverted neckbreaker type move for 3.

***Miz and Morrison win in 8:24. (**).

-Vickie and Edge are shown backstage or supposed to be spa getting massages. It feels great and they love each other.

-Finlay and Hornswoggle are back on Smackdown. They get a nice reaction. Cole is extremely excited and giggly about Horny being back.

-Matt Striker heads to the ring for some TV time. Cole mentions that Coach and Striker are friends. That's sweet.



-They lock up and Finlay puts in a side headlock. Striker throws him off, but Finlay hits a shoulder block. They lock up again and get tangled in the ropes. Horny has a water gun and shoots Striker in the back with it. Ok, that's thrown me off.

-Striker gets Finlay tangled in the ropes and hits a dropkick to the back of his head. He applies a keylock and Finlay works out of it and hits a rolling senton then catapults Striker into the buckles. Big clothesline gets a 2 count. Striker hits a drop toe hold that puts Finlay's throat in the ropes. Finlay nails Striker with forearms on the outside. Hornswoggle throws a bunch of streamers at Striker out of a Gatorade cooler. Finlay now throws water at Striker out of another one.

-Back inside Striker gains control and Horny runs in and hits Striker with a balloon. Striker grabs it and tries to show the ref what happened. Finlay now hits Striker with a real shillelagh and gets the win.

***Finlay wins in 4:54. (1/2*).

-After the match Horny hits the tadpole splash.

-They run the clip from last week when Victoria spoiled McCool's diva contest victory. Also the debut of Natalie Neidhart is shown.

-Victoria heads to the ring with Natalie, or Natalia.


-Victoria gets a mic and introduces us to her new best friend, and diva, Natalia Neidhart. Natalia got a decent pop when it was revealed her last name was Neidhart. She says the name should ring a bell. They run a video package on the Anvil.

-Neidhart gets the mic and says the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She says it isn't about her father though, it's about her. When you mess with the best you go down like the rest. She laughs and says yeah baby. If you've seen her on the indy scene you know she impersonates her dads laugh and yells yeah baby. Well, the laugh is now more sly, thankfully, and yeah baby is said with more savvy, but she did both.

-Michelle McCool runs in and the match begins.


-Michelle nails Victoria with a clothesline on the outside. Back in the ring Michelle mounts Victoria and nails some punches. Michelle heads up top and Victoria cuts her off with punches then heads up top. Superplex by Victoria!

-Victoria charges McCool in the corner, but gets met with a boot. Michelle hits a neckbreaker then Natalia distracts her. Michelle starts jawing at her and Victoria rolls her up and pulls the tights for the win.

***Victoria gets the victory in 1:50.


-HBK and Batista are next.

-When they come back from Break Michael Cole is in the ring. He hypes the HBK and Batista feud and their match at Backlash. He invites us through the use of video footage to take a look back at how this all started. They show the war of words from Smackdown last week and this week's Raw. It's rather lengthy. Special effects galore are used, as expected.

-Cole welcomes out "Smackdown's own" Batista. He looks like he means business.

***2nd HOUR

-Once the music shuts off and he stands alone in the ring some boo's rain down on him.

-HBK comes out now to a large pop.

-Batista opens his mouth and says they don't need a talk show host as Cole gets out the ring. HBK goes off saying everyone has moved on and Flair has closure. The only one still holding on to it all is Batista. Batista's problem isn't with what happened to Flair, it's with him. Batista says HBK is right and it's not all about Ric. Batista thinks Shawn Michaels hasn't changed a bit. He mentions that blood doesn't wash off, it stains. HBK step on people and stabbed them in the back on his rise to the top. Batista tells people what they have coming. HBK goes off saying he didn't have the luxury of being 6'5, he had to earn his spot and he did whatever he had to, to get it and keep it. He's going to knock Batista's teeth out at Backlash. He drops the mic. Batista drops his mic. HBK goes for the superkick, but pulls up on it and puts the leg down. Then they start brawling and Batista gets HBK in position for the Batista Bomb and HBK runs out of the ring.


-Kozlov makes his way to the ring. I don't know who came up with the idea of a dark arena and no music with a spotlight on Kozlov as an entrance, but stop it now. It won't work.


-Logan hits a kick and puts in a side headlock, but Kozlov throws him off. He hits a head butt, while having a double underhook applied. Logan goes up top for a cross body, but Kozlov catches him. Then he drops him holding onto his head and hitting an inverted DDT, or Scorpion death drop or whatever. What happened to the Russian Rack?

***Kozlov wins in 52 seconds. I wish he'd go back to saying i'm Vladimir Kozlov, and I love the W-W-E.

-Back to Vickie and Edge at the spa. Their getting facials. Teddy hands them drinks. Edge talks about the simple pleasures that Vickie has opened his eyes to today. He's found out he likes matching pedicures.

-MVP heads to ringside in a suit. He'll be joining in on commentary.

-Matt Hardy makes his way out for a match.

-Palumbo makes his way out on his bike. To my disdain it is not McCool's customized Diva bike.


-Palumbo takes Hardy down to the mat with a side headlock. Hardy gets to his feet and Palumbo takes him down with another side headlock. Shoulder block by Palumbo out of a side headlock. Ok, this is the 3rd match tonight to start like this. Hardy puts on a hammerlock. Palumbo backs him up into the corner and gets in a cheap elbow. Palumbo hits a snap mare then puts in a reverse chinlock. Now he hits a body slam.


-Hardy comes back with some punches and an enzuigiri. They both end up outside and Hardy starts jawing with MVP. Palumbo hits him from behind with a clothesline. They head to break 3:30 into the match.

-Back from the break Palumbo is control and gets 2 on a pin attempt after hitting a belly to belly overhead suplex. Now Palumbo hits a back suplex that gets a 2 count. Reverse chinlock by Palumbo. Isn't this what was supposed to happen at commercial? Hardy fights out of it and hits some forearms to the back, but gets hit with a big boot in the head. That move gets a 2 for Chuck. Chuck back to the chinlock. Hardy hits a boot to the face and the side effect for 2. Forearms to the face by Hardy. He hits a running clothesline in the corner. Matt gets on the 2nd rope and hits an elbow to the head, again he goes to the 2nd rope and hits a leg drop for 2. Hardy goes for twist of fate and Palumbo pushes him off then hits the fall away slam for 2. Hardy reverses the full throttle by Palumbo and hits the twist of fate. It's over.

***Matt Hardy wins in 11:55. (*). Who ever decided to put Palumbo in a near 12:00 match has lost their mind for the week.

-After the match MVP left the announce table and had a stare-fest with Matt as he walks up the ramp. Hardy enjoys the victory.


-Somebody, I think Eve is backstage with Jesse and Festus. She asks about how Festus is preparing for this high profile match. Jesse acts like nerves have got the best of him talking somberly. Wow, he said he's nervous. Good acting by Jesse. He said he's never seen Festus like this. They zoomed in on the face of Festus.

-Cole and Coach hype backlash and Kid Rock having the PPV theme song. They run down the card. Khali vs. Big Show is official.

-Wow, it's 9:40 and Taker is headed to the ring.

-They go to commercial.

-Back from the break Edge and Vickie are fooling around with whip cream in a bed. The lights go out. Teddy busts in and says he's not going to guard the door for this.

-Biscuits and Gravy! Jesse walks Festus to the ring.


-The bell rings and Festus goes nuts, but Taker cuts it off! Taker rings the arm and Festus delivers some big blows. Taker takes him down with a leg sweep and keeps on the arm. He rings it again and goes up to hit old school. The crowd is torn! Festus gets back control and hits head-butts to the belly. He throws several haymakers and a big uppercut. Taker hits a big boot at the charging Festus. Taker hits a body slam and goes to drop an elbow and Festus moves. Festus clothesline him over the top and goes outside. He throws some punches against the barricade then throws Taker back inside.


-Festus hits another head-butt then they trade punches. Taker hits an uppercut that sends Taker back outside. Festus again follows him outside, but this time gets thrown into the ring steps. Taker has Festus laid out on the apron and drops elbows across his throat. He gets on the apron now and drops the leg across the throat.

-Back in the ring again and they trade mounted punches. The crowd is dead silent for this match. Festus goes for a back body drop and ends up getting caught with a DDT for 2. Taker slams the head of Festus into the turnbuckle. They trade punches and Festus no-sells a head-butt. They trade punches in the middle of the ring now and both share the spot of teetering. Taker gets whipped into the ropes and ducks a clothesline from Festus, then hits his own. Big boot by Festus in the corner and a pin attempt follows that gets 2.

-Festus gets chokeslammed, but he gets his foot on the ropes at 2. Festus comes back with a clothesline. They battle in the corner and the ref gets knocked out. Festus hits a big boot, but there is no ref, and no cover! Festus goes to grab Taker, but Taker puts in the gogoplata. There is no ref though! Jesse is yelling for Festus to tap out. The back up ref makes his way to the ring and calls for the bell.


***Taker wins in 8:25. (*1/2).

