A New Twist In The Ashley Massaro/Escort Story

TMZ.com has posted an article regarding the story on Ashley Massaro and some other models being tied to an escort service. TMZ's headline reads: "WWE Diva Fingered in Escort Ring?" Initially, Massaro wasn't mentioned in the story, simply referring to her as "A prominent female WWE star." An hour and a half after TMZ's article was published, they named Ashley in the story, citing her denial from her MySpace page. TMZ has contacted WWE to comment on the story, but they have yet to respond. TMZ plans on adding more details to the story as they get it.

It is now coming out that there is a bikini model by the name of Ashley Massaro based out of Las Vegas. She is a few years younger than the WWE Diva, and the two are often confused because they look similar. Rolling Stone's story naming the WWE Diva could very well be a mix-up.

