Kurt Angle To Host New Reality Show, Ashley Massaro Speaks, More

TNA star Kurt Angle will be hosting a new SpikeTV reality show called "Caught in the Action", which will be hidden-camera show, according to PWInsider.com. This is the show Angle was shooting for during WrestleMania weekend when he showed up at a T.G.I. Fridays in Orlando where the WWE superstars were hanging out. From what I've read, Spike this is only one of the many new reality shows Spike is working on.


Ashley Massaro posted a new blog on her MySpace.com account. She didn't talk about "Bella Models" situation much, but did say this: "Damn...all I can say is wow. Youys are mega supportive and I friggin love you for it. I consider everyone of you a friend and appreciate every last single message and believe me i've read them all you guys ROCK!!!!! HARD!!!!! So thanks for that. Seriously. I love you."

