WWE Judgment Day: John Morrison & The Miz vs. Kane & CM Punk

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
John Morrison & The Miz (c's) vs. ECW Champion Kane & CM Punk.

Kane and CM Punk were introduced first, with Kane being cheered and Punk getting a surprising amount of boos. Morrison and Miz were introduced next to a chorus of boos.


Kane and Punk dominated the match early with Kane's power moves and some good double team moves from Kane and Punk. Punk then applied a bunch of submission moved on Morrison before Morrison poked Punk in the eye to gain the advantage.

The two teams continued to go back and forth before Morrison hit a neckbreaker on CM Punk to get the pin. A good, fast paced match even though it could have been a little longer. Punk must have heat with someone with the number of jobs he's been doing lately.

Winners: John Morrison & The Miz

