Former WWE Star Calls For A Ban On Blading/Bleeding In Wrestling

Former WWE wrestler Damien Demento (recently causing controversy with his youtube videos) sent me this email:

"This is the letter I'm sending to my State Senator.

To Senator Charles E. Schumer, NY.

What if I told you that there has been a longtime practice of employers asking employees to deliberately cut themselves? Worse still, the are asked to do this in front of children. It gets worse. Most know this sick practice is being done. Where does this take place? Would you believe College and High School auditoriums, County, and State Fairs, Sporting Arenas, and on Television? Not just in this State, but around the Country.


My name is Phillip Thies, former WWE pro wrestler. I have seen, and worked, with guys who have done this. As you realize now, I'm addressing the sick practice of wrestlers inducing blood during matches. I'll just add, for the many years I was a pro wrestler I never cut myself. This sick practice is called "gigging" "juicing"? "color"? "blading." All you need to do is Google any of these terms to confirm its authenticity.

For a short period of time during the late 80's this was stopped due to the AIDS epidemic. Unfortunately, it started up again a short time later. Sadly, many wrestlers feel this practice is a tradition, and feel a kinship to the business if they perform this.

Simultaneously, today, we have teens, for a variety of emotional reasons, who cut themselves. I can only see a kind of glorification, and acceptance, of this practice if children and teens see this performed by wrestlers who are now major TV, and film, celebrities.


In any other industry this practice would be condemned by Public Officials. Why have I not heard any argument against this backward, dangerous, unhealthy, antisocial behavior, from anybody?

Senator Charles Schumer, do you have the courage to stop this sick practice, or at least begin a dialogue to why this is still being performed in front of children?

Sincerely, Phillip Thies. aka Damian Demento?

