One Night Stand: John Cena vs. JBL
First Blood Match
John Cena vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield
JBL came out first. Cena then came out to a mostly positive reaction. In the early part of the match though, Cena was starting to get booed when he was on the offense.
The two mostly brawled early on with JBL getting an early advantage. They went outside of the ring towards to back and JBL grated Cena's face on the ring barrier. JBL then took Cena back towards the ring, propped his head against the ring post and went to hit him with a chair but missed. JBL followed by hitting Cena with a microphone and then threw Cena back in the ring, continuing to nail Cena with the mic.
In the ring, Cena mounted a comeback nailing JBP with several shoulder tackles and then dropping the five knuckle shuffle. He went for an FU, but JBL reversed it and dropped Cena across the top rope on his throat. They are back outside the ring.
JBL got the ring steps and tried to throw them at Cena's head, but missed. JBL maintained control and hit Cena's head in the ring barrier.
Cena was able to regain control and was smashing JBL in the ring steps. Cena threw JBL in the ring and grabbed a chair, but before he could hit JBL, JBL kicked Cena. JBL went for a clothesline from hell but Cena ducked and slammed JBL head first into the chair. JBL then grabbed a chain that was wrapped in his towel, tied it around his fist and nailed Cena in the ribs. He went to hit Cena with the chained fist again but Cena turned it into an FU.
When they got back up JBL hit Cena with a big boot, knocking Cena into the ropes and tying him up. JBP went to the outside and grabbed a bullwhip from under the ring. Before he could use it, Cena got out of the ropes and got the STFU on JBL, using JBL's chain. JBL started bleeding from the mouth, giving Cena the win. Better than their past matches, but still nothing special.
Winner: John Cena.