Randy Orton Upset Over 'Net Reports, Melina, More News

Randy Orton is said to very upset regarding a recent Internet report originally reported in Dave Meltzer's Wrestling Observer Newsletter. It was reported two weeks ago that the severity of Orton's broken collarbone was worse than originally thought and that his return to the ring had been pushed back until October instead of August. According to Meltzer, October is the time frame the creative team is expecting him back. Well, Orton is saying that he should be back in the ring as early as the middle of August and that the pain in his collarbone is pretty much gone. Orton said he's been using a special machine that helps regenerate bone growth and thus speed up his recovery. The machine has an electromagnet that gives a direct pulse to the break of the bone.

Melina now has a profile on WWE's Fan Nation site, which you can see at fans.wwe.com.

WWE has signed Maryland Championship Wrestling wrestler Patrick Brink, 27, to a developmental contract. He announced the signing at this past Friday's Eastern Wrestling Alliance show in Parkville, MD. He will be reporting to Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa soon. Brink is 6 foot 6 and 280 pounds. He recently fine-tuned his skills at Team 3D's wrestling school in Florida.

