Former WWE Diva Expresses Interest In Returning To WWE Or TNA


– Former WWE Diva Terri "Marlena" Runnels recently expressed an interest in returning to either WWE or TNA in an interview with the Baltimore Sun.

"I would love to do something again, but my only thing is that I don't want to wrestle," she said. "It would have to be in a hosting/managing/valet/interview capacity. I have no problems a bump. When I would get to TV and Vince [McMahon] would say, 'OK, Big Show is going to goozle you and throw you and you're going to land on someone in the second row,' I'd be like, 'Awesome.'

"But if he would tell me, 'Hey Terri, you've got a bikini paddle on the pole match with another girl,' nothing against the other girls, because I so respect them and what they've trained to do, but I just cannot stand having an actual wrestling match. It's just not for me. I love the big bump. I was the first female to be slammed through a table by The Dudleys ? loved that, was stoked. Granted, it didn't feel well the day after or the day after that or the day after that, but I was still very excited to do that bump."

To read the full interview, click here

