*Spoilers* TNA iMPACT! Taping Results (7/17)

TNA iMPACT! Taping Results – (7/17)
Orlando, Florida
Report by Mike Johnson of PWInsider.com

Impact opens with Booker and Sharmell getting out of a limo with the TNA title over his shoulder. They come come to the ring he cuts a promo about how he's the greatest champ of all time and Samoa Joe can't beat him. Jim Cornette comes out and says Booker can't declare himself champ and he needs to give it back to the real TNA champion, Joe. Joe comes out and tells booker to keep the belt, he doesn't want handouts because he's still champ and will see him at Hard Justice.


Beer Money are backstage and says tonight, its not fan revenge its beer money revenge because they are going after the fans too.

Kaz is backstage with Jeremy Borash and is upset and says he feels like he let everyone down at the PPV but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Kaz vs. TNA X-Division champion Petey Williams sees Williams winning.

There is an Eric Young backstage with JB, but the promo is inaudible to the live audience.

Matt Morgan defeated Jimmy Rave in a real short match, maybe 1 minute tops. Post match, Lance Hoyt comes out and says maybe Morgan should mess with the other guy in the band, match starts and Morgan defeats Hoyt.

Backstage the Knockouts are screaming at Cornette and he announces a 10 girl Knockouts battle royal with the winner facing TNA Knockouts Champion Taylor Wilde but it was unclear when that title match would take place, next week or the PPV.


Team 3D and Kurt Angle come out dressed in black trench coats and masks like Sting carrying baseball bats to "welcome Sting into their fraternity". AJ Styles, Christian Cage and Rhino come out and demand a rematch. Team 3D and Angle accept a six man table match at the PPV. Christian interrupts and says they don't get to call the shots and he says the match will be next week – a 5 table elimination match.

The Knockout Battle Royal is done Royal Rumble style with Jacqueline, Gail Kim, Angelina Love, Salinas, Velvet Sky, Roxxi, Rhaka Khan, Traci Brooks, Christy Hemme and ODB. Velvet Sky is the winner.

Backstage, Booker T says he will wrestle Consequences Creed in a Stretcher match.

Backstage with Black Machismo and So Cal Val with JB. Val says she doesn't know what he (Jay) wants her to do and she can't help it that Sonjay Dutt has feelings for her.

Johnny Devine vs. Eric Young vs. Sonjay Dutt sees Dutt pin Young. Lethal comes out and attacks Dutt. Dutt grabs a chair and hits the ring post, then falls to the floor. Val thinks Lethal hit Dutt with the chair and walks out.

Beer Money comes out and are looking for fans to attack. They grab a guy in the audience wearing an LAX shirt. The refs come in and save him. They then go after Hector Guerrero, pulling him into the ring and begin whipping him with a belt. LAX comes out and chases them away and help carry out Hector.


Consequences Creed is backstage saying he's ready for Booker T

Consequences Creed vs. Booker T in a Stretcher match. Booker T wins and as Booker pushes Creed back on the stretcher, Samoa Joe was waiting in an ambulance for Booker T. They go at it.

Xplosion Match:

Curry Man defeats Kip James.

