Big WWE Lawsuits, Two Major ROH **SPOILERS**, Bischoff, More

AWA Superstars promoter Dale Gagner has suffered a heart attack. Gagner is currently being sued by WWE over the use of the American Wrestling Association name and trademarks.

ROH runs in Cleveland, OH on Friday and Chicago Ridge, IL on Saturday.

Jerry Lynn is set to return to ROH at the 9/19 show in Boston. He will also work the 9/20 show in Philadelphia.

A new member of the Age of Fall is expected to debut this weekend.

Eric Bischoff has a long blog entry up looking at the lawsuit Scott "Raven" Levy and others have filed against WWE over WWE's classification of wrestlers as independent contractors. Bischoff mentioned that the issue had even come up in WCW, when many executives feared that WCW may be forced to change their wrestlers from independent contractors to employees and thus have to pay fines and increase their cost of business.

