Police & Criminal Charges Dropped In Mike Levy/IWA Incident

The criminal investigation stemming from the beating Mike Levy took at the IWA Mid-South "Queen of the Death Match" event in Sellersburg, Indiana in late June has concluded. No criminal charges were filed and the Indiana State Police have dropped their investigation regarding the incident.


Levy, an apparent indy wrestler based out of North Carolina, took a huge beating following his match with Mickie Knuckles at the show. The beating appeared to be in retaliation for Knuckles getting a big bump on her head during their match as she was scheduled to get a huge push from TNA at their TV tapings the very next week. Although, Knuckles likely caused the knot on her head herself, as she became incensed at one point during the match and gave Levy a repeated number of violent headbutts. Follwowing his match Knuckles, two IWA-MS wrestlers by the name of Devon Moore & Tank hit the ring and began beating Levy. They also taunted him on how to sell. Levy took some pretty bad shots from them, including two dangerous double stomps off the top ropes onto his head and into a barbed-wire ladder (including one from a none too agile 400-pounder), some unprotected chairshots, and more. Ian Rotten, his young son, and two or three others also got involved, giving Levy some more stiff shots.


Sellersburg Chief of Police Russ Whelan said, "They all say ? even the young man who was in the wrestling match ? that it's part of the show. I don't know if I agree with that. I've got mixed feelings."

IWA Mid-South owner Ian Rotten blamed the police investigation on rival competitors trying to stir trouble, calling it "petty, local politics." Rotten believes competitors sent the video to police trying to get his company in trouble. Rotten said he has put on more than 500 wrestling shows and has never had a problem anywhere else.

A few weeks ago, Rotten told the CBS affiliate out of Louisville, Kentucky that the beating was scripted and while it was quite stiff, Levy knew it was coming. Rotten said Levy came back to watch the rest of the show later in the evening. He said Levy is scheduled to wrestle again at a show in Illinois in October.

Following the incident, Ian Rotten posted a message on the IWA Mid-South message board in response to the removal of a thread about the Mike Levy incident. He wrote: "If you got s*** you would like to talk about of the Mike Levy deal, then talk about it here. I don't want a separate thread started for just that stuff that people are saying happened, but did not happen just like was already on the thread. If you want the real story, buy the DVD. The kid got an ass whipping for what I, and many others, feel was all the right reasons. He did not go to the hospital. As a matter of fact, he came back after getting cleaned up to watch the rest of the show. He was told he would be brought back and was grateful for that so I guess he could not be too bad off. I promise, (his) face does not look anywhere near as bad as Mickie's does these morning. The kid was not beat up as people are putting it. If he was beat up by the wrestlers who were out there, he be lying in a hospital bed right now. End of story!"


On another note, the police chief warned the bowling alley against hosting any more wrestling shows because they were not properly zoned for the IWA-MS event. The venue wasn't cleared for the last show, but they are currently attempting to get the proper zoning permits for future shows. Another IWA-MS event is scheduled at the bowling alley on August 30 and 31. Rotten said the bowling alley is working on getting clearance in time for the shows. They held an event there on Saturday, July 26.

You can read The Evening News & Tribune's story on the situation at https://www.newsandtribune.com/.

