Possible Spoiler For Tomorrow Night's Raw

Reader Kim Seitz sent in the following....

We went to a signing event for Randy Orton yesterday and it was insane! We were #300 and they told us he had promised to sign for 500. We literally stood in line for 3 hours ? from start to finish. It was supposed to start at 6:00, but he didn't get there until 6:30. I was getting a program signed for my son that we had gotten a couple of weeks ago from Summerslam and when Orton saw it he asked if it was new and took a look at the cover. I told him, "yeah, we just got it at Summerslam" and he shouted "its about time!" Guess he was sick of his old picture.

He was actually nice and shook everyone's hand and said his collarbone was doing fine... Also he said to people yesterday "See you tomorrow night." So we're thinking he'll be there(tonight at the tapings) ? so much so, my son's taking an RKO sign.

