SummerSlam: Shawn Michaels Announcement

The following is from our live coverage of WWE SummerSlam here at

The Shawn Michaels announcement is up next. Michaels came to the ring with his wife, former Nitro girl, Rebecca with him. Jerry Lawler noted that it was a bad sign. Michaels said that his doctor recommended that he walk away, but that it was Michaels' decision. Michaels said that after speaking with his wife and family, he has decided to heed his doctor's advice and walk away.

Michaels thanked the fans and talked about how he was known as Mr. WrestleMania, the man who screwed Bret Hart, the man who retired Ric Flair amongst other things. Michaels said he wants to be known now as a good father. As he started to wind down, Chris Jericho's music hit and he started to come down to the ring wearing a suit and tie and looking unhappy.

Jericho said "No", and that he wasn't going to allow Michaels to walk away this way. He wanted Michaels to admit that he was walking away due to what Jericho did to him. Michaels said he would go home and tell his wife and kids that if Jericho went home and told his wife and kids that he will never be Shawn Michaels. Michaels then went to leave and Jericho went to punch him but Michaels moved and Jericho hit Rebecca knocking her out. The segment ended with Michaels attending to Rebecca and staring at Jericho as he left and then went back to attending to his wife. This feud is easily one of the best in the WWE in a long time.

