The Absolute Latest On Kowalski Inside, Backstage TNA News, More

? Killer Kowalski has opened his eyes a few times today. His eyes were not as glazed over as they had been, but he is still in guarded condition. His blood pressure and heart rate are improving, and they discovered that he had fluid on his lungs, not pneumonia as first thought. The plan now is for neurologists to evaluate him to determine why he has been largely unresponsive.


? As noted earlier, TNA will be holding iMPACT! TV tapings tonight and tomorrow (Wednesday) in Orlando, FL at Universal Studios. Monday was used as a travel day to get from Trenton, New Jersey to Orlando, FL.

? Those in attendance put Sunday night's Hard Justice PPV crowd at around 2,500.

? Since the report was released, numerous TNA sources have stepped forward and stated that the LAX tag team is not being broken up, with one source pointing out that they have the top selling t-shirt in the company. Homicide and Hernadez were very against the idea and spoke out against it. Creative was split on the move. It is possible TNA had planned to tease a breakup as part of a new storyline, but plans to break up the team had definitely been discussed. What direction they will go at the TV tapings this Tuesday and Wednesday in Orlando remains to be seen, but given that the word is out, they may change original plans.


? Michael Weaver, Jr. passed on a story to a blog by Lance Cade on the WWE Fan Nation website at It's a pretty interesting read where Cade talks about his recent injury.

