Transcript: Kevin Nash Shoots On Walking Out Of iMPACT!
Kevin Eck of The Baltimore Sun has two video interview clips up with Kevin Nash. In the interviews, Nash talks about rumors of Mick Foley coming to TNA, his storyline with Samoa Joe, Shawn Michaels and more.
Nash also addressed reports that he walked out on the TNA Impact tapings last month in Orlando giving some more insight as to what went down. Here is what Nash had to say:
"I have a clause in my contract that states that when it comes to physicality, that I have the right to veto with creative anything that I don't feel is safe, that is warranted or anything else. We had 10 guys and a battle royal is a cluster anyway. To give everyone a weapon and give me a pipe and then the only way I can be eliminated is to go over the top rope. As I was sitting and thinking about it, well the first thing I have to do is go over the top rope and make sure the pipe doesn't leave my hand and hit a fan. Then I have to make sure that I don't impale myself on it. And thirdly, I have to make sure I don't land on it.
And then I found out I was being eliminated during a commercial break. So I said how about this. Since I have been around the business a long time the only time you eliminated someone during a commercial break is because of time problems or time constraints. I said if you take two of us out and make it an eight man, everybody can be eliminated on TV and I can eliminate myself before the match and we won't have any problems because it wasn't in the storyline. To me the storyline would be that Joe and I would go back and back, clean house, I would step over and shake his hand and Joe would win. That would have furthered the storyline in my estimation...if I was booking.
But it didn't end that way and I talked to Jeff. Jeff said we wanted to have as many names as we could, we were trying to get you out early to protect you because we were bringing in guys with weapons. I understood this point and said, there was a pre-tape I was supposed to do later on that day so I said Jeff, do you want me to do the pre-tape? Jeff said no man that was cool and I said do you mind if I go home? He said no man, we shook hands and I left. Halfway on the way home my phone blew up with all these texts that said "get back here" and I said, no (smiling), I am on the other side of Orlando and I am not going all the way back. I am not swimming back up stream. My boots were in the trunk and I am done.
When Jeff and I talked and I said, was this really a bigger deal than I thought it was? Jeff said apparently everyone else...(Kevin Eck interjects and notes it was made a bigger deal on the internet). You know I haven't done anything remotely anti-social in so long. (Goes into joking voice) It was just like "the old Nash is back and soon he will have a heart ailment if he has to a job!" Are you kidding me? How many guys just go gray on TV and just say f*ck it. Come on, really? At this point in my life guys. I look at something, I'm looking at getting worried about getting implaed on a pipe, do I really need to go, gee, I really need this moeny that bad. No, I'm gonna go home. The Devine kid can't get in the match and fall on the pole? I don't need to do that."