Candice Michelle's Botched Return, Maria Is A Ditz, Lots More News

Fortunately for Candice Michelle, she returned on a night in which Raw was being taped because according to a fan in attendance, she messed up at least four spots within a 30 second period. Only one of them was fit to be broadcast as the rest were completely edited out. Candice botched a flying headscissors and as well as a crossbody, which led to the crossbody off the top that Beth rolled through. She then botched a springboard back elbow attempt as she stumbled on the ropes, which garnered some boos from the audience. Candice then botched a reversal. Following this, there's another spot in which it's hard to tell what she's doing exactly as there was some Ashley Massaro quality grappling on her part. She then hit the small package on Beth for the pin. "Mickie James' expressions on her face while watching this were priceless," the person in attendance noted. A fan in attendance recorded footage of Candice's numerous botches that ended up being edited out. The video doesn't show all of the botches as there were apparently a few more not shown. You can see the video at Despite Candice's less than stellar showing (although it was her first match back and second match in nearly ten months), WWE booked her for a WWE Women's Championship match with Beth Phoenix at next month's No Mercy pay-per-view anyway.


WWE Diva Maria appeared on KRON-TV out of San Francisco with Gary Radnich Friday night to promote Smackdown's move to the myNetworkTV station next month. She portrayed her ditzy character during the segment.

WWE has been doing big European tours since 2002 and every show in Glasgow, Scotland has sold out on the first day tickets were put on sale – usually within minutes. One time, so many people tried to get tickets for a show and the website crashed as a result. Tickets for a house show event in Glasgow next April went on sale last night and as of tonight, several tickets are still available.

WWE 24/7 has apparently undergone a slight name change. It's now being referred to as "WWE 24/7 Classics On Demand" instead of simply "WWE 24/7." All references on the service's page on have been changed to reflect the altered name.


