New WWE DVDs In The Works, Mick Foley Notes, Bret Hart Update
WWE will be releasing two versions of their upcoming Hell in the Cell DVD with mini-busts of the Undertaker and Kane.
Mr. Lazlo sent this in: I was watching Kitchen Nightmares on FOX, and they were doing a re-opening of a restaurant in Long Island. Dee Snyder of Twisted Sister was a special guest, and I think Mick Foley was a guest of his, because he was sitting next to him at the table. They didn't announce him on the show as being there, but he was the first one in the door at the re-opening, so it was obviously him.
Miles Ruch sent this in: I was watching "Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares" tonight and saw Mick Foley as one of the patrons at the restaurant Ramsey was making over in Mt. Sinai, NY. He was only in a couple of shots which went by very quickly, but he was there with Dee Snider (Twisted Sister singer).
Shawn W. Conley sent this in: I was watching Hell's Kitchen last night and I saw Mick Foley in the restaurant that they fixed up and reopened. The lead singer of Twisted Sister, Dee Snider, was at the restaurant to raffle off a motorcycle for the grand reopening of the restaurant and it appears that Mick was a guest at Dee's table.
Bret Hart's official website has announced that his long awaited autobiography, Hitman: My Real Life In The Cartoon World Of Wrestling, will be released in the United States on Thursday, October 9. To read the press release, visit