Stacy Keibler Is Still Smokin' Hot, Mick Foley/'Hey Dude', & More

Amdram Productions sent out the following message today, in order to set the record straight on Mick Foley, his association with the "Hey Dude" project, and what it is all about: It's true! Amdram Productions is pleased to announce that Mick Foley has now re-attached himself to our sitcom Hey, Dude! We're also in talks with various other entertainment industry talents, and we're going to be uniting a cast of well known comedic actors that one would never have guessed would be working together in a sitcom. Regarding the show's working title: "Hey, Dude!": Back in the early 90's, Nickelodeon aired a western-themed show entitled Hey Dude, geared towards a demographic of 14 and under. Our show is in NO WAY related, and bares NO resemblance to that show, as our Hey, Dude! (note the punctuation marks- it's also working title which is still subject to change) was created by me to be a scripted sitcom with an ensemble cast, based upon a comedic take on the life of former pro-wrestler/NY Times 8-time bestselling author Mick Foley, his family, and his crazy best friend Marky. My partners and I will be writing this show (with some of Mick's input of course), and again, I must stress that it is absolutely no relation whatsoever to the Nickelodeon show of the same name. Also, unlike a reality show (such as "Hogan Knows Best"), our Hey, Dude! is to be a scripted sitcom in the same vein as Curb Your Enthusiasm, with much pop culture humor incorporated a la Family Guy. The show was not written by Foley, as it is an Amdram Productions project, but again created with him in mind as one of the primary leads which features Mick in an ensemble cast. While we are looking forward to working with Spike TV for future endeavors, Hey, Dude! does not currently have a distribution home and is not a Spike TV show. Because of the cutting edge/ground breaking humor, we see this more along the lines of a premium channel endeavor and we are currently undergoing negotiations in order to establish the perfect network fit for Hey, Dude! I am very confident that we will soon solidify our choices, and on behalf of my producing partners- Jonathan Mankuta, Steve Strangio, and Richard O'Sullivan- we are extremely excited about the talent we already have on board, as well as signing new actors into the mix. As soon as we determine which network will be a perfect fit for us, we will let you know, but as of this writing, the project is still open for distribution. One thing I can say is that quite a few major networks (left unnamed) have contacted me, and we're hopeful that we will soon come to a decision. Thank you for your continued interest in Hey, Dude!, a project that we're very much looking forward to producing! Our promise at Amdram to the viewing public is to create a truly ground-breaking comedy which has been never before been realized on network television! -Amdram Productions

TNA's official website is reporting that the song "Indistructable" by metal band Disturbed will be the official theme song for the company's next PPV event, Turning Point on November 9th.

Former WWE Diva Stacy is on the cover of the November 2008 issue of Maxim Magazine. Stacy is shown in a tiny white dress with the words "Stacy Keibler gets Hollywood in a headlock."

