The Sandman Already Un-Retired, Jim Ross On Couture/Lesnar
In the Middle East, WWE has been running reruns of Raw instead of current shows for the past several weeks. In Israel, a local channel airs Raw, but the shows are aired on a long tape delay.
Justin Credible promoting an "Extreme Reunion" show to be held on November 22nd at the Cheshire High School in Cheshire, Connecticut. The main event for the show is Credible vs. Sabu. Also announced for the show are ECW originals Balls Mahoney and the Sandman. In case you're wondering, yes, this is the same Sandman who announced his retirement from pro wrestling last week.
Jim Ross has a new blog entry up. Highlights are below:
On Pacman Jones: Pacman Jones needs to grow up and stop taking his life for granted. A young man playing in the NFL and blowing it simply because he wants to be "cool" and attitudinal. Wrestling needs to follow NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell's lead and make sure that the business doesn't become dotted with perennial trouble makers. I predict that Pacman will soon go into alcohol rehab which, if he needs it go for it, perhaps will save his career if it is salvageable.
On Brock/Couture: Yours truly is counting down the days until the November 15 Brock Lesnar-Randy Couture fight in Las Vegas on PPV. I'm told that 8,000 tickets have been sold with over 6,000 left to be sold. Some folks say that the tickets have been priced a little steep for some but something tells me that come fight time that the arena will be "clean." The last few week's push for this "dream fight" will likely move the remaining tickets. I'm still leaning towards Lesnar but I'm not over confident nor am I going to place any wagers. Couture is a master strategist who will be in race horse physical condition not that Lesnar won't be. The question is if the fight goes the 25 minutes how will the 280 pound Lesnar hold up physically against a master who knows he only has a handful of matches left in his brilliant career?