What You Didn't See On TNA Bound For Glory 08

Thanks to site readers Rich and Loreen for sending the following:

We were at Bound for Glory last night and it was way louder than it came across on TV, there were "this is Awesome" chants all night and the crowd was into just about every match. A few things that happened that you didn't see:

– Matt Morgan grabbed a guy's wipe-off board and used it to smash Brother Ray over the head, then gave the sign back to the guy....very funny.

– When Samoa Joe came out and got in the ring, he stopped and looked around at the stadium and I could clearly read his lips as he said "Unbelievable" I am hoping that was in reference to the size of the crowd and to how loud we were!

– Also after the show Dixie Carter was out saying hello and thanks to the few wrestlers that were still there and spent a minute or two with a young kid in a wheelchair.

Being our first TNA show, I have to say we were pleasantly surprised and impressed with the great show they put on and we had a great time.

