Why TNA Is Doing A Live iMPACT! & More TNA News

The Live iMPACT! was a request from SpikeTV. SpikeTV is already set up in Las Vegas this week to film, produce and broadcast their annual Scream Awards. The Joint at the Hard Rock Caf? and Casino is close to sold out as they have released some extra tickets for the event.

The SpikeTV website is running an iMPACT! post-show featuring Jeremy Borash, Don West and Mike Tenay. There has been discussion of moving "The Spin Cycle" to Spike's website as well.

The company has house shows this weekend on Saturday the 25th in St. Louis, Missouri and Sunday the 26th in Cape Girardeau, MO. The shows are scheduled to feature Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Rhino, TNA Tag Team Champions Beer Money, Inc., Jacqueline, TNA X-Division champ Sheik Abdul Bashir, Team 3D, The Beautiful People, Cute Kip, Petey Williams, ODB, Shark Boy, Sonjay Dutt, and Roxxi.

