WWE RAW Results (10/6) - Y2J Runs The Show, & More!
WWE RAW Results (10/6) – Y2J Runs The Show, & More!
Event: WWE Monday Night RAW
Airdate: Monday, October 6th, 2008 (USA Network)
Location: The Key Arena in Seattle, Washington
Results by 411Mania.com
Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring, sporting his super serial suit and a busted mouth from last night's ladder match. The crowd hates him, and he doesn't care because Mike Adamle is at a meeting with Shane and Stephanie, and he will be taking Adamle's place tonight. He has all of the decision making power to run the show. Speaking of the best, that brings us to HIM and his ladder match last night. The man the revolutionized the ladder match lost to him. But HBK did live up to a promise, he permanently disfigured him. He has to live with this for the rest of his life, every time he smiles, walks past a mirror, he will think of Shawn Michaels. But he'll smile because he beat Shawn Michaels. Not just beat, brutalized, embarrassed and won a match Shawn supposedly couldn't lose. There will be no revenge for Shawn, because Jericho is done with him. Shawn will face Lance Cade in an anything goes, NO DQ match tonight. Jericho has nothing left to prove to anyone, and we must acknowledge that he is the true champion and the most dominant performer in this business, in the world today.
And here comes out #1 Contender, Batista! Batista says to pick the number. You know, pick the number of days until we have our match. 7-days, 14-days?2-day? Jericho says even though he had a brutal match, he would fine a way to beat him. Jericho says he is an animal and will do whatever he has too to survive. And he will make sure the name Batista is synonymous with failure. He then tells Batista to get out of his face and out of his ring right now. Batista laughs and says Jericho will defend the title against him. And?SPINEBUSTER. "You mess with the bull, and you get the horns." Segment ends, commercial break.
-Back from commercial and we see Batista laying out Jericho. During the break Jericho say she is making Batista defend his #1 contendership vs. JBL. The special referee will be Jericho himself.
-Regal and Layla chill at ringside.
-Santino on the mic, and he says people think he isn't American enough. So recently, he has made an effort to be more American. He has a new favorite NBA Team. He has the Oklahoma Thunder shirt on. Seattle wants to kill him now. He then says the THUNDER will rain down on Noble and James.
Jamie Noble and Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix and Santino Marella
Beth and Mickie to begin. Go behind by Beth, elbows by Mickie and then gets a Thesz press. Santino tags in, Noble in as well and Noble with a side headlock and rights to Santino Head butts follow, off the ropes, back elbow and then a northern lights suplex into the arm bar, Beth breaks it up and Noble gets a roll up for 2. Back elbow by Noble, Beth distracts him and Santino gets the roll up for the win.
Winners: Beth Phoenix and Santino Marella @ 2:00 via pin
-Beth and Santino celebrate, Noble chase him and now he and Regal brawl! The ref breaks it up and Mickie comes to calm down Noble.
-Todd is with HBK. Todd asks his thoughts on the match tonight, and HBK asks if he should beg not to compete because he hurts from head to toe? Well you should ask Jericho if he will defend the title tonight? He won't because he wants Cade to do his dirty work and finish off HBK for good. He is bordering on insanity and pumped up on adrenaline, he will show everyone that he still has plenty of gas in the tank.
-CM Punk comes to the ring to try and even up the odds a bit.
Kofi Kingston vs. Ted DiBiase w/Cody Rhodes and Manu
Lock up to begin, off the ropes and a shoulder block by DiBiase. After some counters Kofi gets a pair of dropkicks, but DiBiase turns the tide and slams him down. Lays the boots to him, and then gets the double foot stomp and covers for 2. DiBiase with the body scissors now, Kofi escapes and fires off with rights and a double chop. Another dropkick, misses the corner charge but gets a kick to DiBiase. Up top and a HUGE cross body by Kofi. Leg sweep, BO BO BO leg drop stopped as Rhodes distracts him, Punk takes him out. The Million Dollar Dream into the Russian Leg Sweep and DiBiase gets the pin.
Winner: Ted DiBiase @ 3:00 via pin
-The second generation stars celebrate as Punk checks on Kofi.
-Jericho is backstage and talks to Orton about Batista. They may not be friends, and Jericho says Orton says how great he once was, and tonight, Jericho will put him to work.
-Cole and King discuss John Cena. They discuss his neck surgery and we get a video package.
-Kane walks with Mark Henry and Tony Atlas. Dolph Ziggler tries to introduce himself and gets blown off.
Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy vs. Mark Henry and Kane w/Tony Atlas
Rey looks good for a dude that couldn't feel his legs last night. I'm just sayin. Rye and Kane to begin, Rey with rights and lefts, an Enziguri and then tags in Matt. They double-team Kane, side headlock by Matt but Kane drops him with a right. Tag to Henry, he misses a corner charge, tag to Rey and they double team him, RANA try by Rey, chop block by Matt and Henry is down. They clear the ring and we head to a commercial @ 2:00.
We are back from commercial @ 4:00 with Kane in control over Matt. Rights by Matt but Kane gets a shoulder block. Tag to Henry, snake eyes countered and a chop block by Matt. Rights by Matt, but Henry comes back with a vicious clothesline. Henry misses an elbow, tag to Rey, lays the kicks to Henry and covers for 1. Kane nails Rey in the back of the head, and this allows Henry to toss him to the floor. Henry to the floor, rolls Rey back in and drags him to the corner. Tag to Kane, head butts follow and to the corner they go. Kicks to the head by Kane, and he then just beats down Rey in the corner. Henry tags back in and stands on Rey's chest, that has to suck. Henry covers for 2. Kane tags in, stops Rey from getting a tag and then covers for 2. off the ropes and a boot by Rey, right by Kane and Rey is down. Kane misses the top rope clothesline, head scissors by Rey and both men are down. Tag to Matt and he get a top rope clothesline and rights to Kane. Basement dropkick to Henry, 2nd rope bulldog to Kane! Henry is, and back out to the floor. 619 on Kane. Matt takes out Atlas, as Rey dives onto Henry, but Henry tosses Rey into Matt as he climbs the ropes. Chokeslam by Kane and he pins Matt.
Winner: Kane and Mark Henry @ 11:00 via pin
Commercial Break.
NO DQ MATCH: HBK vs. Lance Cade
Lance Cade's music sucks, I'm just sayin. They throw rights to begin, a clothesline by Cade and then tosses HBK to the floor. Cade grabs a table, drops HBK face first off of the announce table and then lays the boots to him while yelling, "I HATE YOU!" Cade sets up the table on the floor, rights to HBK and then gets the spinebuster on HBK through the table! Cade picks up HBK, rolls him back into the ring and now Cade grabs a chair. Cade back into the ring, has the chair but HBK with the Thesz press on Cade and beats his ass! HBK has the chair, and he waffles him! HBK then delivers something like 14-chair shots to Cade while he is down and pins him. Thanks for coming Lance.
Winner: HBK @ 3:00 via pin
-HBK stares down Cade, grabs the chair and lays in another 7 or 8 chair shots, just because he can. And the crowd chants for HBK, likely out of fear of having their asses beat by a steel chair.
-Cole hypes the debut of Smackdown on MyNetworkTV. HHH will defend the WWE Title on Smackdown this Friday against the Big Show.
-Jerry Lawler is in the ring, and says Santino says he is the greatest Intercontinental Champion. Well he gets to prove it at Cyber Sunday. You can vote for his opponent, the choices are: Roddy Piper, Goldust, The Honky Tonk Man
-The Great Khali comes to the ring, and he calls out Johnny Knoxville for something. Runjin says that Khali was interviewed by Knoxville, we see clips and Knoxville asks about Khali's dick size as compared to other big men. Khali says he came here for an interview and that was too personal a question. OFFENDED! Khali invites Knoxville to Raw next week, to show what real entertainment is. Khali then hosts the Kiss Cam segment, seriously, and it is fantastic. The camera turns to Lillian and Khali, being the PIMP he is lays a huge one on her!
-Miz and Morrison are here to do commentary, Morrison has sequence to outline his abs. Seriously.
-Cryme Tyme is out now and they join commentary as well.
Kelly Kelly vs. Jillian Hall
Kelly needs to drop the bandana, it makes her look like Ashley. Kelly gets a RANA early for 2. Kelly does a very slow lucha arm drag, off the ropes and to the apron she goes and then gets knocked to the floor by Hall. Hall rolls her back in, pulls at the hair of Kelly and then steps on her face. Hair mare by Hall, and then she chokes her out. Side back breaker by Hall, bends Kelly over her knee but Kelly with knees to escape. To the corner, forearms by Kelly but Hall whips her to the corner, gets a shoulder block and then forearm strikes. Mounted rights by Hall, slams Kelly's head to the mat and then they horribly blow a back suplex/back flip spot, Kelly gets a roll up for the win.
Winner: Kelly Kelly @ 3:00 via pin
-Miz, Morrison and Cryme Tyme would not shut the f–k up during the match at all.
-We get footage of Cena showing up at Smackdown after his neck surgery. Respect.
#1 Contender's Match: JBL vs. Batista; Special Referee: Chris Jericho
The World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho and special referee for this match comes to the ring first. Lilian begins her introductions as JBL walks down the ramp and to the ring, without his white limousine. Lilian goes to introduce Batista and Jericho whispers something in her ear. She announces a special guest timekeeper and it is William Regal, who makes his way down to the ring. She goes to announce again and Jericho stops her again. She announces a special guest commentator for this match and out comes Randy Orton to ringside.
Back from a quick commercial break and Lilian Garcia finally introduces Batista. The Animal comes out, stares down the ring area and gets ready to go. Batista enters the ring and looks around at everyone at ringside. The bell rings and they lock up. The crowd breaks out in a huge "Batista" chant. JBL hits Batista with a big knee and works him over in the corner. Batista comes out with a huge clothesline and goes for the pin. Jericho is very slow counting the pin and gets a 1 count. Batista backs JBL in the corner and works him over.
Batista takes JBL's knee out and starts working it over. JBL locks on a Figure Four, Ric Flair style, and tries to make JBL submit in the middle of the ring. JBL tries to touch the ropes but doesn't. Jericho tells Batista to break the hold anyway. JBL hits a big neckbreaker on Batista and covers for the pin. Jericho makes a super fast count but Batista kicks out. JBL works over Batista in the corner with big right hands.
JBL covers Batista again but this time Jericho counts slow. Batista counters JBL and hits a big suplex. Batista covers for the pin but Jericho just stares at him and doesn't count. Batista is pissed. Jericho rolls to the outside and distracts Batista. JBL knocks him to the floor. Jericho tells JBL to get back in the ring and turns his back. William Regal comes over and attacks Batista. Jericho and JBL enter the ring. Batista gets thrown back in and JBL covers him as Y2J counts fast but it's not enough.
JBL applies a strong Full Nelson but Batista powers his way out and comes off the ropes. JBL catches him in a sleeper hold. Batista comes out of it with a back body drop and both men are down. Jericho yells at JBL, telling him to get up. They get to their feet and Batista nails two big clotheslines on JBL. Batista with shoulder thrusts in the corner now on JBL. Batista runs at JBL and Jericho trips him. Batista with a big powerslam on JBL. Regal gets on the apron and Batista decks him and brings him over the top rope. Batista hits a double spear on JBL and Jericho, laying them out. Mike Adamle appears on the ramp and sends out a WWE referee. He counts the pin and Batista gets a 2 count. JBL gets up and they go at it. Batista nails a big Spine Buster and a Batista Bomb on JBL for the pinfall and the win.
Winner and still #1 contender: Batista
After the match, Mike Adamle speaks. Mike Adamle announced that at Cyber Sunday, World Champion Chris Jericho will defend his belt against Batista. The options that fans can vote for as Special Referee are Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels or Stone Cold Steve Austin. RAW goes off the air with Batista and everyone looking on.