WWE RAW Results (10/27) - New Champions, Piper/HTM/Goldust!

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW
Airdate: Monday, October 27th, 2008 (USA Network)
Location: The Tucson Convention Center in Tucson, Ariz.
Results by 411Mania.com

*In Memory of Special Delivery Jones*

-We get a video package from Cyber Sunday.

-Cole and the King welcome us to the show.

~Chris Jericho is NOT happy~

Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring, no music and gets announced as the FORMER Champion. He is OFFENDED by this and says Cyber Sunday was the biggest screw job in WWE history and it is all Mike Adamle's fault, as well as ours. We picked a biased referee, he changed the rules, bullied him and worst of all he didn't count when he had the match won. If he was Batista he would be embarrassed to call himself the champion because Batista didn't beat him, an army beat him. Batista, Michaels, Adamle, Austin and all of us. He is dying to get his hands on HBK and Batista tonight. But that isn't good enough, and he needs more. He has a rematch clause and he will use it next week and then regain his title.

Mike Adamle now makes his way out and says to hang on a second. He then says that in order to ensure that there is no outside interference, he has decided to make it a steel cage match. Jericho doesn't seem that happy, and then walks off after bumping into Adamle.

Randy Orton now makes his way to the ring. Orton asks if Adamle is happy with himself. He got sent out here to be an emergency referee, and look what happened. He took a stunner. That Mike is inexcusable. He isn't fully recovered and couldn't defend himself. Orton will make sure that Adamle doesn't get away with it. He then says to Shane and Steph, who he knows are watching, to come to Raw next week and fire Mike Adamle. If they don't, he will walk, he is out of here. He will quit the WWE, and they need him more than he needs the, Either Adamle goes or he goes. He then threatens Adamle and says he will do nothing because he is spineless and a failure. Failed as an interviewer, announcer and now as a GM. He also says he failed as a husband and father likely. Adamle slaps Orton! Orton then leaves and is not happy.

-We see video of the beat down on Punk from Unforgiven.

-CM Punk and Kofi walk for their tag title match next.

World Tag Team Title Match: Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase ? w/Manu vs. CM Punk and Kofi Kingston

Cody and Kofi to begin. Lock up, side headlock by Cody. Kofi escapes, off the ropes and a monkey flip by Kofi. To the corner, tag to Punk and after some double-teams a flying forearm by Punk gets 2. Cody with the jawbreaker, tag to DiBiase and a leg trip by Punk. Into the headlock by Punk, to the corner and DiBiase misses a right and leg kicks by Punk. DiBiase with rights, slams Punk to the corner and then beats down Punk with rights. Uppercuts by DiBiase, a whip, float over and Punk with the 2nd rope cross body. A dropkick follows, Kofi dropkicks Cody and the heels are cleared from the ring. Kofi them tosses Punk over the top onto Cody and DiBiase! We head to a commercial @ 3:00.

Back from commercial @ 6:00 with Cody getting a Russian leg sweep on Punk. Knee drop by Cody and a cover for 2. A knee by Cody follows, Punk then goes for the GTS but Cody escapes. Punk tags in Kofi and he is on fire with clotheslines to Cody. To the apron and he takes out DiBiase, up top and as Cody distracts the ref DiBiase pulls Kofi off of the top. Cody slams him to the barricade, rolls him back in and covers for 2. Cody then lays the boots to Kofi, tags in DiBiase and he beats down Kofi with rights. The ref pulls DiBiase off of Kofi, but he then chokes him out. Cody with a kick to the head as the ref pulls DiBiase off of Kofi, and then DiBiase covers for 2. Tag back to Cody, rights to the gut of Kofi but Kofi fires back with rights of his own. Cody stops the tag with the drop toehold, tags in DiBiase and they maintain control. DiBiase chokes Kofi out once again, Kofi back with kicks and then gets a small package for 2. Clothesline by DiBiase levels Kofi. Cody back in, they double-team Kofi and then a cover for 2 by Cody. Kofi battles back once again, but Cody slams him down. Kofi manages a leg scissors and as DiBiase gets tagged in Punk is as well! Punk cleans house, tosses Cody and then takes out DiBiase with the slap, punk and kick combo. Corner knee of doom! Manu is down after Punk hits him. Kofi wipes out Cody, GTS on DiBiase and Punk gets the pin!

Winners and NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS CM Punk and Kofi Kingston @ 12:00 via pin

-Cole and King hype WrestleMania 25.

-Roddy Piper, Goldust and the Honky Tonk Man are out to be special commentators.

-Santino is out and says that he has something to say. First, UNLEASH THE HONK-A-METER! Honky was IC Champ for 64 weeks. He has already been champ for 11-weeks. He says Honky should be scared, because in one week and a year, he will be the greatest IC Champion of ALL THE TIMES! He mocks the special commentators, and says for all the pregnant ladies to look at them and says that is what happens when you do drugs when pregnant. He then says Beth is hot. Beth's music then hits, and we get HAAS PHOENIX~! He does full entrance with a fake title.

IC Title Match: Santino Marella w/Beth Phoenix vs. HAAS PHOENIX

Santino tosses HAAS PHOENIX to the floor and then slaps Honky. Goldust stops him from escaping, and HONKY GUITAR SHOT to Santino!

Winner: No Contest

~Batista Speaks~

Michael Cole announces Batista, who then comes to the ring. Cole offers some congrats and asks how it feels to be champion again. Batista can't describe it, and then says he feels good. It's been a slow, long journey to the top but the WWE Universe was there with him the whole way. He says the title is back where it belongs and it won't go anywhere for a long time. They discuss the match next week vs. Jericho in the steel cage. Cole asks if he is concerned and Batista says no, he is happy with it. That's his home, his playground, his comfort zone. Jericho has nowhere to run of hide, no more excuses, and he will remain the champion.

-Kelly, Candice and Mickie walk.

Kelly Kelly, Candice Michelle and Mickie James vs. Jillian Hall, Layla and Katie Lea

Candice and Hall to begin. Some counters and Candice with the Hennig neck flip and a cover for 2. Candice with the float over in the corner, slams down Hall and tags in Mickie. They do the Rock and Roll Express double leg vine and roll. Go beneath by Mickie, clothesline to Hall and then takes out Lea and Layla. Head scissors to Hall, basement dropkick follows and Layla breaks that up. Hall tosses Mickie by the hair, tags in Layla and they get a double clothesline and a cover for 2. Sidekick by Mickie, and Katie tags in, but Mickie tags in Kelly. Whoa Momma Kelly Kelly with the nipple pop out here. Whoo Hoo!!! Off the ropes and a head scissors by Kelly. A dropkick follows and then she tries a monkey flip and gets tossed away. The other ladies brawl on the floor, Kelly gets the "K2" and then pins Katie.

Winners: Kelly Kelly, Candice Michelle and Mickie James @ 3:00 via pin

-JBL is backstage and says he is all about business. HBK cost him a business deal last night, he and Jericho had a deal. He could have had a title shot and that is worth a lot of money. HBK ruined that and cost him a lot of money. Last night HBK got a taste, but tonight he pays. Nobody crosses JBL.

-Todd talked with Rey earlier today. Rey says that the match with Kane changed him. Evan Bourne then came in and said that Rey won't be the underdog tonight, and he has every intention of beating him.

Rey Mysterio vs. Evan Bourne

They shake and we're underway. Lock up, to the corner and we get a clean break. Lock up again, off the ropes and after some counters a sidekick and takedown by Bourne. Rey backs off and claps for Bourne. They then trade some counters again, Rey counters a clothesline and then tosses Bourne to the corner with a head scissors. A boot by Bourne, off the ropes and then a springboard arm drag by Bourne. Rey to the floor, Bourne misses the baseball slide, they slide back in and they stand off. We head to a commercial @ 3:00

Back from commercial @ 6:00 and Bourne works the body scissors and chinlock. During the commercial they show that Bourne hit a great moonsault to the floor, thanks guys. To the floor we go, Rey ducked a roll up try and Bourne hit the rope awkwardly. Rey gets the seated senton, and then rolls Bourne back in and covers for 2. Rey tries the tilt a whirl, but Bourne with the back breaker and covers for 2. Bourne lays the boots to the ribs, and into a seated bow and arrow. Rey escapes with kicks, to the corner and as Bourne goes for a cross body Rey gets a dropkick to counter that. Both men are down and struggle to their feet, stiff kicks by Rey, he goes for a springboard but a leg slips and Rey grabs at his knee. Bourne covers for 2. Rey is limping a bit, gets a snap mare and basement dropkick and covers for 2. To the corner, a boot by Rey and he springboards in with the seated senton. Off the ropes and Bourne manages a leaping Enziguri and covers for 2. Leg sweep and standing moonsault by Bourne gets 2. Bourne up top now, Rey stops that and climbs up with him. Knocked down, top rope sunset flip by Bourne countered and catapults Bourne into the ropes. 619 by Rey lands. Misses the springboard, Bourne for the roll up but Rey counters into a roll up of his own and gets the win.

Winner: Rey Mysterio @ 11:00 via pin

-Rey and Bourne shake after the match and now Kane is out. Rey tells Bourne that he has this and Kane is in and starts to kick Rey's ass. He rips at the mask and Bourne makes the save. Rey and Bourne work over Kane, then they "KINDA" get the hi/low. Mark Henry is out now and he evens the odds. Kane chokeslams Rey, world's strongest slam by Henry on Bourne and the monsters stand tall. Make your own short jokes.

-They hype Survivor Series, and the return of John Cena.

-This leads to a John Cena video package.


Miz and Morrison come out and say some feel that they crossed the line last week when they made fun of DX. They understand that being talented and creative can intimidate people. Don't hate them for it. If we don't get it, it is our problem. They have evolved and are better than all of us. Next week, the greatest tag team of the 21st Century takes on DX. Join them on ECW tomorrow night for a special edition of the Dirt Sheet, where they examine the rise and soon to be fall, of the prehistoric pair, known as DX. After the dust has settled and after they beat DX, the enlightened few can join them as they say, BE JEALOUS!

-Batista plays hopscotch backstage.

-We get a replay of the Adamle/Orton confrontation from earlier this evening.

-As Chris Jericho comes to the ring, we see JBL beating the piss out of HBK backstage. Chris Jericho approves of this.

Batista and HBK?! vs. Chris Jericho and JBL

Batista is going it alone here. A lock up with Jericho and then tosses him down. JBL in now, lock up and to the corner they go and rights by JBL. A whip, reversal and clothesline by Batista. A suplex by Batista gets 2. JBL bull rushes Batista to the corner, tags in Jericho and they beat down Batista in the corner. Off the ropes and a big boot by Batista. Shoulder rams in the corner by Batista to Jericho, but Jericho goes after the heavily taped left knee of Batista and then tags in JBL. Batista tries to fight off both men, tosses JBL to the floor, gets Jericho and lays him on the ropes and then charges and shoulder blocks him to the floor, where Jericho hits the announce table. We'll head to a commercial @ 3:00.

Towards the end of the match Shawn Michaels manages to make his way to the ring to help Batista, Michaels takes out Jericho and keeps him away from the ring whilst Batista delivers a Batista Bomb to JBL and picks up the win!

- Next week; D-Generation X vs. The Miz & John Morrison and Batista defends the World Championship against Chris Jericho in a steel cage match!

- Batista stares down Jericho and holds his title up as Raw goes off air.

- Much more entertaining episode of Raw tonight, was worth watching!

