Damien Damento Back Yet Again, MVP At NBA Game, Tiffany, More

Damien Damento is back again at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9DafEom88E Apparently he claims our websites are pushing porn now. I'm pretty sure there is no porn on any websites that I own. As I matter of fact, I am positive there is no porn on any websites I run. Women photos? Yes. Porn? No. We provide backstage insider news that fans can't get on the official WWE and TNA websites. It's recaps from autograph signings, fan notes, backstage news from sources, and even promoting former washed up stars, such as Damien in this case. Best of luck to Damien. His tune has quickly changed from that first video.

SmackDown Superstar MVP will be at the Phoenix Suns vs. Los Angeles Lakers game this Thursday night, according to the appearances section on WWE.com. He will be signing autographs at the US Airways Arena from 7 – 8 p.m. and watching the game with some lucky contest winners.

WWE Diva Tiffany has posted a blog on the WWE Universe site promoting Veganism. She has been a vegetarian for the past three and half years. Tiffany wrote: "This decision started with giving up red meat and pork 3 and a half years ago and has finally evolved into a complete vegan diet 6 months ago. After much research about how animals were treated for purposes of food, clothing, and other products, I had trouble pushing my feelings about animal treatment aside. I love animals and want others to at least be aware of their treatment."

